Live Wire.

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Plug me in.
I'm alive tonight.
Out on the streets again.
Turn me on.
I'm too hot to stop.
Something you'll never forget.
Take my fist. Break down walls.
I'm on top tonight.
"Live Wire" // Mötley Crüe.

"Guys, this is the most fun we've had in a long time," Laughing, Eric passes the joint along.
Hyde nods,"If Red wasn't such a hard ass, then we could live, man."
In agreement, Fez says in his hilarious accent,"Yes, & if I wasn't a virgin, I would be happy. Good things never happen. Like look at Dani's neck. She gets action."
"Nice," Kelso pushes my hair off my neck to view my hickeys.
Upset, Jackie hits his arm,"Michael! Don't touch her!"
Rubbing his arm, he pouts like a little kid, which is great to watch.
Donna asks with a big smile,"Who's the guy?"
"You guys don't know him," I take the best hit from the joint, & everything becomes great. "He doesn't live here."
Giggling, Donna shakes her head,"Dani, those are new. You've been here. We weren't born yesterday."
"Yeah," Kelso nods. "Then we would be babies."
Eric tries to intervene, covering for me,"Maybe she doesn't kiss & tell."
"Shut up, you girl," Jackie's eyes meet mine with vivid curiosity. "Tell us."
Just as I open my mouth, Hyde snaps,"Shut up, everyone. I did it. We're together."
"Oh, man!" Kelso yells with that goofy grin on his face. "I did NOT see that coming."
Sighing, Fez complains,"Everyone here is doing it but me. I'm going to get some candy."
As he gets up from the table, Kelso trips him, so Fez turns around,"You son of a bitch."
Man, his accent makes everything sound great.
Clapping his hands, Eric announces,"I got them together. You can call me Cupid."
"Wait, you didn't tell me?" Donna raises her eyebrows, staring at Eric.
"Well, Donna," Eric, who is high as he can be, laughs again,"that was their business. Like I don't go around & tell everyone about your huge feet. I, Cupid, keep secrets."
Suddenly, her jaw drops. Red-faced, Donna pours her unfinished beer on her boyfriend, then she goes upstairs.
Eric looks at us with hazed eyes,"If I wasn't so high, I would care." His laughter fit begins again, which is just so contagious.
Jackie squints her eyes at Hyde,"Why would you date her? You hardly even know her."
"Why would you date Kelso? He's an idiot, & he cheated on you with Eric's sister," A devious grin spreads across his handsome face, then he pulls me in his lap.
Scoffing, Jackie stands up, then she goes upstairs. Girls are so sensitive. Kelso could do better than Jackie. Sure, she's hot, but she's kind of a bitch.
"Damn, Hyde," Kelso blows smoke from his lips, rolling his eyes. "Now Jackie won't let me see her naked. You ruin everything."
With that small laugh of his, Hyde shoots back,"At least my girlfriend isn't a bossy slut."
Kelso - now serious - meets Hyde's eyes with full confidence,"At least my parents didn't abandon me."

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