No More Mr. Nice Guy.

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No more Mister Nice Guy,
No more Mister Clean,
No more Mister Nice Guy,
They say he's sick, he's obscene.
No More Mr. Nice Guy // Alice Cooper.

Shocked, Red & Kitty sit there, while Eric cheers,"Oh, yeah."
"Shut up, Forman!" Hyde hisses at Eric, anger spreading through his body. "I know you kissed Dani!"
"You kissed Dani?" Red asks, staring at his son.
With the same expression as her husband, Kitty looks at Eric,"You're dating Donna."
Outraged, William uses the voice that makes me cover my face,"Who the hell do you think you are? What I do to my daughter is none of your concern."
"Wait," Kitty turns to me, fear in her eyes. "Does he abuse you, dear? If I-"
William shouts over everyone,"My daughter & I are leaving!"
That's when Hyde wraps his arm around William's neck, bringing him to the ground. What is he doing? Is he insane?
In the struggle, William manages to throw Hyde on the ground hard, making Hyde's head hit the floor. Yanking his belt off, he pulls his hand back to whip Hyde.
Without hesitation, I jump in front of Hyde's body, sitting in his lap. "Dad! Stop!" I scream angrily, my voice tight and ready to crack.
William's body falls on the ground with a loud thud.
"Well," Fez smiles at the red pan in his hand. "I guess pans are useful."

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