Sweet Emotion.

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Talk about things, and Nobody cares.
Wearing other things that Nobody wears.
You're callin' my name, but I gotta make it clear.
I can't say, baby, where I'll Be in a year.
"Sweet Emotion" // Aerosmith.

Walking into the basement, I see everyone's here - except for Kelso. That's probably because he knows Jackie cheated on him with Hyde.
Man, I really screw everything up.
"Oh, look," I grab a beer from the fridge, popping it open. "It's the whore, who cheated with my boyfriend."
Faking a loud cough, Eric yells,"Burn!"
Fez, looking through a Playboy magazine, shakes his head in disapproval,"Jackie, you broke Kelso's heart, & Hyde, Kelso's your best friend. You are sons of bitches."
Placing her hand on her chest, Jackie protests,"Hey, it's not my fault I'm irresistible."
Apparently, Kelso & Jackie are broken up because Jackie cheated. Donna doesn't know Eric & I hooked up. I really ruin everything.
"Stop being a fucking slut, & keep your filthy hands off my boyfriend," I tell her, sitting next to Eric on the couch, with Donna on his other side.
Sitting a few feet away from us with Fez at her feet, Jackie scoffs,"I am not a slut. You're just upset that I'm pretty, & you're not."
"Oh, man," Hyde comments, watching us. "This is good."
"I'm the one with the boyfriend right now, Jack-"
"Well, your boyfriend cheated on you with me six times in one night," Jackie tosses her brown hair over her shoulder, smiling like a bitch.
Donna glances at Eric, beaming at her boyfriend,"I'm so glad we don't have these problems."
"Oh," I set my half-empty beer down. "I can't drink."
"Why not?" Fez questions, setting his Playboy down to stare at me with his innocent eyes.
Hyde tosses me a glance, muttering,"You're an idiot."
"Oh my god!" Donna yells, sitting up quickly to look at me. "You're pregnant!"
Bitterly, Jackie says under her breath,"That's why he cheated."
Flushed with happiness, Fez screams,"An American baby!"
"Yeah," I give in, staring at Hyde, who hasn't moved. "I'm pregnant, but the only other person who can know is Kelso."
"You're not telling Leo?" Eric asks me, his blue eyes meeting mine with something hidden behind them.
"Eventually," I answer, then I admit something. "We haven't seen each other. He's been high with hookers in a hotel."
"Now that sounds fun," Fez unwraps a piece of candy & takes no time to shove it in his mouth.
"Oh my god," Donna says, still smiling and in complete shock. "You're like seriously pregnant."
"I wish I could be as happy as you are," I mutter, pulling my black hair into a bun.
"I mean, okay, it sucks," Donna squints her eyes as she thinks about it,"but it also doesn't. This means you're going to have the chance to give your kid the childhood you wanted."
Taking a deep breath, I agree with her,"I know that, but Hyde & I don't want a kid. We have to get careers now. With him being a chef, that won't bring in enough money, so he has to find something new, & everything's going to change soon."
Man, this is going to be hard.

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