Lonely Day.

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Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist.
It's a day that I'll never miss.
Such a lonely day
And it's mine.
The most loneliest day of my life.
"Lonely Day" // System Of A Down.

Mentally screaming, I close my eyes.
I can't drink; I can't smoke. I don't want to break anything or possibly upset the baby.
In so many fucking ways, I'm pissed at myself. I know that I have just torn everything apart - including my relationship with Hyde.
On the other hand, I know Hyde screwed this up, too. I can't- Why has he been cheating on me? Within the past two months, we've been great. Everything was going smoothly; we were in love.
Well, it seemed that way.
Maybe he was just so happy because Jackie was giving him something to eat after dinner.
The thought of that makes me chuck my pillow at the door. I hate him. I hate myself for loving him.
Breathing heavily, I pull my black hair into a messy bun, loose strands falling wildly from it. While my green eyes gloss over with tears, I feel myself lose it again.
I have never loved anything before Hyde. Losing Hyde is the worst thing to happen to me.
When did I turn into such a wimp?
As the vision of Jackie fills my mind, anger refuels my body without a second to lose. They're complete opposites. How could he want to be with her?
Rubbing my face, I wish I could disintegrate these feelings. I want to not feel anything again. Love fucks you up.
Curling under my black covers, I rest against the coolness of my sheet, whispering to my stomach,"I don't know how, but I promise I will make everything okay. I won't let you down."

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