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She's sticking needles in her skin.
I turn with an ugly grin.
Her canvas doesn't leave a lot to fantasy.
But her peace of mind, can't stay inside the lines.
It's so confusing, the methods that she's using.
She knows she shouldn't leave a mark that I can see.
Killpop // Slipknot.

"Oh, man!" Kelso looks around the haunted house with the biggest smile on his face. "This is so cool!"
Hyde holds my hand, but I'm still pissed at him. I felt just like Donna & Eric a few days ago. Eric has literally done so much for me. Donna wanted Hyde & I back together.
Hyde has to-
It's fine. Everything is fine.
Hiding behind me, Fez is holding tightly onto my jacket. Everything that he's seen as made him scream - it's mostly just cobwebs and glass.
Jackie sighs, looking at her manicured nails with sadness,"Michael, why did you want to come here? This is dirty. I-"
"Damn, Jackie," Kelso adjusts his pants, then he comments. "You complain a lot."
Pouting, she crosses her arms over my chest.
This sucks.
Tired of everyone being in a bad mood, I suggest,"Let's smoke."

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