She's Like The Wind.

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Feel her breath on my face.
Her body close to me.
Can't look in her eyes.
She's out of my league.
Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs.
She's like the wind.
She's Like The Wind // Patrick Swayze.


Kelso groans, rolling his eyes back,"Jackie never wants to do it anymore. It's like she's always too busy saying,'Stop staring at her, Michael,' 'Go buy me things, Michael,' 'Stop smelling that girl's hair, Michael.'"
I choose to not question the last part & smirk at him, trying to not laugh,"Maybe you should act like you don't care, man. Like girls don't want clingy guys."
"Yes," Fez shoves more candy in his mouth. "That's why I never have a lady."
"Right," Eric shakes his head, then he sighs. "You know, in Star Wars, -"
"Shut up! Nobody cares about Star Wars!" Hyde puts his hands on his thighs and looks at the table.
We're at the Hub, which is basically just a place to hang out & eat. Jackie & Donna were going to come, but Jackie forced Donna to go to the mall.
"Have you & Leo talked?" Eric asks me, choosing to ignore the insult.
"Yeah. He's been at some hotel for awhile, but he's happy," I smile, thinking about my bio dad. He isn't Einstein, but he's a good guy.
We stay there & continue talking for hours, & we have fun. Hyde & I don't talk much - or at all. That's okay, though, because he's happy.

That night, Donna comes in my room, still clueless about the kiss, & smiles at me,"Dani, I really liked that you & Hyde were together. You made him really happy, so I want to get you guys back together."
"We're happy without each other," I pull my hair into a bun & sit next to her on my bed.
Pushing her red hair out her face, she hands me two slips of paper,"These are Zeppelin tickets. You are going to invite Hyde, & there's no way he'll turn it down. You guys can talk, okay?"
"No, Donna," I stare at the tickets. Led Zeppelin. "I- I would love to, but I can't. You & Eric should go. Hyde & I lost our feelings for each other."
A grin spreads on Donna's face when she lowers her voice,"You & I both know that isn't true. I see the way you look at him. It's the same way I look at Eric. You still want him. Go now & invite him."
She's right.
Since my break up with Hyde, he's the main thing that occupies my mind. I want to not like him, but we were great for each other until I fucked everything up.
I find myself going downstairs to the basement, then I'm in front of Hyde's closed door, the tickets in my hand. I owe Donna everything.
Knocking on the door, I feel my heart rate increase & my butterflies flutter rapidly in my lower stomach. Hyde & I did a lot in his room.
He opens the door without any expression, which is the Hyde I know. He looks so attractive.
His curly dirty blonde hair is a mess, his blue eyes are shining as they always do, & his outfit is hot. Steven's wearing a white tank top & gray sweatpants. I just want to lay in his bed in his arms-
"What?" He raises his eyebrows.
Lifting my hand, I show him,"I have two tickets to Zeppelin. I want to go with you."
For a moment, he's speechless. He stuns me when he asks in a rude tone,"Are you going to cheat on me there?"
"Steven, I wanted to let you know that I still want to be with you. Eric & I talked about it, & we both feel awful. I'm really, really sorry," I find myself staring at his chest when I'm finished. I can't hold eye contact when I'm letting my emotions pour out.
His voice is sharp when Hyde agrees,"You should feel that way."
"Is there anything I could do to prove I'm sorry?" I hear myself ask him.
Hyde would think of a million humiliating things.
I'm a genius.
"Yeah," Hyde snatches the ticket from my hand. "Get bent." He slams the door in my face.
I almost thought he was going to forgive me, so that felt like a slap to the face.
And not a good one.

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