Rock Soldiers.

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It was back in the summer of '83.
There's a reason I remember it well.
I was slipping and sliding, drinkin' and drivin'
Bringing me closer to hell.
"Rock Soldiers" // Ace Frehley.

After my long shower, I walk into the kitchen, only to find Eric sitting at the table.
"Oh, hey," he offers a smile, but he looks pale.
"You okay?" I start making my "special" tea.
Shaking his head, Eric mumbles nearly incoherently,"Hangover."
Once I finish the tea, I put it in the fridge, & I hand him some pills from my pocket.
I explain,"It'll help with the headache."
Taking the pills from me, he throws them in his mouth & groans,"This is the worst."
"I know," I put my hand on his shoulder, then he looks at my knuckles, so I shove my hands in my pockets.
"Want to talk about it?" Eric asks me. Although he's having a horrible hangover, he still cares, which is so sweet.
Hardly shaking my head, I hear someone walk in, & I silently hope it isn't Hyde.
"Oh, hey, Dani," Steven says casually from behind me. "You being Foreplay's mommy?"
"No," I turn around, struck by how great Steven looks. He is so hot.
Hyde starts laughing at Eric, then he pours himself some cereal,"You're more of a man now, Forman."
Kelso bursts into the room with energy radiating off his slender body. "Guys," Kelso looks at us with a serious expression. "I can't find my pants."
"This day blows," I mutter, pouring myself some tea. "Kelso, I-"
"Woah, Dani," his eyes survey my body, which I find strange considering I'm wearing black sweatpants & a white shirt. "You look hot."
From behind me, I hear Hyde retort,"Aren't you with Jackie?"
"Yes, but I can look..." Kelso grins from ear to ear, stretching his arms out. "And touch."
"No," I simply say.
I'm just writing. I'm not worrying about how it is or anything. ^ whatever.

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