I Miss The Misery.

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I miss the bad things.
The way you hate me.
I miss the screaming,
The way that you blame me.
I miss the phone calls
When it's your fault.
I miss the late nights,
Don't miss you at all.
I like the kick in the face,
And the things you do to me.
I love the way that it hurts.
I don't miss you, I miss the misery.
"I Miss The Misery" // Halestorm.

Dressed like an officer, Kelso looks down at his taser and wonders aloud,"What would happen if I ta-"
"Don't go near my stomach with that thing," I pull out my nightstick, & if I wasn't pregnant, I know we would see who could handle the most pain.
"So," Wiping his gun down, Kelso's brown eyes meet mine when he asks,"how's the baby?"
"The baby is good. We'll find out the gender soon, man. Hyde is-"
"I didn't ask about Hyde," Kelso turns the radio down, doing everything to avoid eye contact with me. "He was my best friend, then he had sex with my girlfriend. See, how could you even be with him? He cheated on you with Jackie."
Trying to block Eric from my mind, I offer,"Didn't you cheat on Jackie with several girls like a hundred times?"
"Yeah," Michael Kelso rolls his eyes, giving me a "duh" face as he insists,"but that's totally different. Anyway, I'm not talking to Hyde until he apologizes, & Jackie is sticking up for him. Like you'd think they were dating or something."
"What?" I glance at him, waiting for our training officer to leave the building.
"When Hyde first admitted to cheating with Jackie, she would say stuff like,'it's not his fault,' & 'don't blame Steven,' which was a little suspicious, so I may have spied on them," Kelso shrugs, but he doesn't look ashamed at all.
Cocking an eyebrow at that, I look at my friend, but he continues.
"Dani," Michael is the most serious he's ever been as he states,"they had sex over and over and over again after that first time. I saw them."

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