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Blood, blood, blood..
Pump mud through my veins.
Shut your dirty, dirty mouth.
I'm not that easy.

Blood, blood, blood.
Pump mud through my veins.
I'm a dirty, dirty girl
I want it filthy.

I love you for everything you ever took from me.
I love the way you dominate and you violate me.
"Blood" // ITM.

Without any warning, Hyde stands up so quickly that I fall onto the table. He storms to his room.
Eric shakes his head,"That wasn't cool, Kelso. You know he doesn't talk about it."
"Who cares?" Kelso yells, overreacting. "Now Jackie & I won't do it. I have to go fix everything like I always do."
As Kelso rushes upstairs to Jackie, I go into Hyde's room. He smashes something that breaks into dozens of tiny pieces, then his fist slams into the wall, making a terrible sound.
"Hyde," I chew on my lip, hating that this is turning me on. See, that's what I wanted to talk to Hyde about.
I want to be controlled, abused, screamed at, & I want to be hurt. I don't know why. That's what I'm used to.
I'm not saying I want William to find me then do all of that to me.
I've always wanted to be in a relationship where I'm submissive, where I am controlled. I have serious problems, & I hate it.
"Hyde," I repeat, approaching him with caution. "Calm down. Ke-"
Furiously, Hyde spins on his heel, his blue eyes filled with boiling anger,"Don't tell me to calm down! He's a fucking idiot! I don't want to talk about it, so just leave!"
He's yelling at me.
Although I should be afraid, it makes my heart race. I don't want him to be upset, but it's really hot, man.
When I reach for his hand, he quickly snatches it back and demands in a murderous tone,"Get out."
"Babe, stop," I grab him tightly by his arms, my eyes staring into his. "I'm not going to leave you like your parents did. I want t-"
That's when he loses control.
Like I'm a rag doll, Hyde grabs me by my hips and slams my body against the wall. Using all of his strength, he slaps me across the face, making my veins feel like wires and my blood rush to my cheek.
His lips reach mine with a hunger that's new & intense. I bite on his bottom lip, which makes him groan, then he smacks my ass really hard.
After making out for a few more minutes, he pushes me on the floor & kicks me in the face with the tip of his boot. It makes thick tears surface in my eyes while blood starts to gush rapidly from my nose.
Hyde lays on top of me, his lips working achingly against mine. He has full control. The taste of his lips & my blood on my tongue makes this really erotic.
A moan escapes my lips when he yanks on my hair. He sends his fist onto my thigh, making it instantly become sore. When he pulls away from my mouth, just before he starts to give me more hickeys, I see that his lips are covered in my blood.
Moaning loudly, I pull his body closer to mine & whisper,"Your parents don't love you."
For a second, he stops, making me think I've gone too far. Just when I'm about to say something, he bites roughly on my neck, & I whimper in response.
He slaps my ass as hard as he can, turning me on. I arch my back, wanting only him.
"Nobody's ever loved you," he pulls my lip with his teeth, anger swimming in his sky-blue eyes. "No one ever will."
When he says that, I tangle my fingers in his hair, then I sit on his lap. Slamming his head against the wall, I pull his shirt off & start to kiss him more fiercely.
With his hands cupping my ass, I take control of this kiss, liking how it feels. I yank on his hair, bringing his head back, & I bite his lips hard.
My life couldn't be better.
So, this was my first time using blood in a sex scene. I'm not sure how others feel about it, but it was cool. Thanks again, guys. I'm like the only person reading this, along with @PaintMyHouse (& I love you), but this makes me really happy. (:

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