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Cruel intentions
Wind me in a spiral.
I'm waiting to unravel.
Twisted motives
Drive me in a circle.
I'm dying to untangle.
"Mayhem" // Halestorm.

Well, it's around midnight, & everyone else is at the water tower. I didn't go because I "don't feel good." The real reason was because I couldn't be near Hyde.
It breaks my heart. He didn't even care that we broke up. He'll be with Jackie tomorrow, & I'll just be his ex-girlfriend, who he cheated on.
On the couch in the basement, I put my feet on the table, watching some KISS concert. It reminds me of the shirt Hyde bought for our son, John, but he never was able to wear it.
That brings another sharp pain through my heart, making my throat tighten. Taking another sip of my beer, I let my mind flood with torturous misery.
I just feel terrible. I love Hyde so much; I can't even begin to describe it.
With a beer in his hand, Red comes down the basement, saying,"Oh. I expected you to be with the other dumb asses."
I shrug in response.
Red sits in Hyde's usual spot, his voice becoming softer,"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Thanks," I keep my eyes on the TV, crossing my arms firmly over my chest. I want to be alone.
Red suggests - but not in a pushy way-,"Is it Steven?"
I give a slight nod.
"Dani, you have to understand that Steven is a young man. He doesn't know what he wants."
"I get that, but we had a baby together. I love him, Red. I don't understand how he can throw all of that away for Jackie," I feel my blood start to boil, but I calm myself down.
"I don't either," Red stands up, then he adds. "You're only eighteen. You never know who you could end up with, but don't let it bring you down. You're a bright kid. If you need anything else, Kitty's in the kitchen."
That makes me chuckle, then I smirk,"Thanks, Red."

The basement door opens, & it's Hyde. It's only him. My heart swells with a plethora of emotions, but I redirect my eyes to the TV.
"Hey," he says.
I nod at him, but I don't let my expression change.
"You feel better?" Hyde tries, getting settled in his usual seat.
Exasperated, I question anxiously,"Is this really the end of us?"
"You broke up with me."
I chuck my beer can at him angrily, yelling,"You fucking cheated on me with Jackie for months. What did you expect?"
"What about your feelings for Eric?" Hyde bites back bitterly, his body turned towards mine now. "They practically glow off you."
"Eric is my best friend, Hyde. He isn't anything more. You're just using excuses to justify what you did," I stare at him incredulously.
"To answer your question," Hyde rests his feet on the table, putting his glasses on. "This is the end of us."
"Fine," anger swims through my blood stream like eels. I stomp upstairs furiously, envisioning Jackie's head on a stick.

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