Dude (Looks Like A Lady).

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So never judge a book by it's cover.
Or who you gonna love by your lover.
Love put me wise to her love in disguise.
She had the body of a venus.
Lord, imagine my surprise.
"Dude (Looks Like A Lady)" // Aerosmith.

After my long shower, I get dressed in my jean jacket, Beatles shirt, jeans, & boots.
So much has happened within the past three months:
Hyde & Jackie are dating. Eric & Donna were going to get married, but they figured they rushed into things. They're just dating now.
Hyde met his biological father, William Barnett, who turned out to be black. His dad gave him a record store. Hyde hired a guy named Randy Pearson, who's now apart of the group.
Randy's a really kind, funny, generous guy. He has dirty blonde hair that waves perfectly; it's pretty great.
We're all at Hyde's record store in the circle. Things aren't all that bad. I see Leo more, too.
High as a kite, Donna starts laughing uncontrollably,"I can feel all of the molecules in my body."
Chuckling, Randy nods,"I can feel all the hairs from head."
"You have girl hair," Hyde sneers. Jackie, who's sitting on his lap, adds in,"I like your hair, Randy. It's really wavy."
Kelso takes his shirt off, throwing it at Randy,"You need to cover your face. Point Place can't handle too much hotness in one city."
Randy starts laughing, shaking his head,"What do you guys want to do?"
Eric suggests, weighing his options,"We could get Fez really drunk & put him in a dress."
Groaning, Fez shakes his head sadly,"Why am I always the one in the dress? Red doesn't compliment my skin color."
Kelso, checking out his chest, says to everyone,"Our baby is healthy. We know it's a girl."
Donna replies, staring at her hands,"That's great, Kelso. Don't set your baby on fire when she's born."
Randy asks aloud,"Hyde, what if people can smell that we smoke in here?"
"It'll probably make them want to come back," Hyde starts chuckling, & Eric gives him a high-five for that.
Tossing everyone a beer, I offer,"We should do something illegal. We can smoke any night, man."
"Yeah!" Donna yells suddenly, standing up. "Let's, like, steal a kid."
Eric cocks his head to the side,"That's kidnapping. I don't mind being bad, but I'd rather not have a felony."
Randy suggests, loosely throwing his arm around me,"We could steal Fatso the Clown from Fatso Burger. That'd be great."
Smiling deviously, Fez agrees with Randy,"Let's do that.

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