I Get Off.

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I get off on you
Getting off on me.
Give you what you want.
But nothing is for free.
It's a give and take.
Kind of love we make.
When the line is crossed,
I get off.
I get off.
"I Get Off" // Halestorm.

Fez sticks his gum in Fatso's mouth.
We stole Fatso the Clown, the statue at Fatso Burger, & it was pretty fun. It put me in a better mood.
That may have also been the drugs and booze.
"We stole a clown," Jackie complains, rolling her eyes. "What do we do with a creepy clown?"
Hyde targets her, finishing his beer,"Why don't you ever want to have fun?"
Jackie gasps, placing her hand on her chest,"I have fun. Like, the other day, Donna & I had fun at the mall. Right, Donna?"
"You did. You criticized everything I looked at," Donna points out, then she gets back to kissing Eric.
"See," Jackie smiles at her boyfriend. "Dani's the negative Nancy."
Man, I hate this bitch.
"Fuck you, Jackie," I cross my feet on the table, next to Randy. Making out hungrily, Donna & Eric work their way upstairs, knocking stuff over in the process.
Clueless, Randy questions,"What happened between you two? You can feel the hatred."
"Would you like to explain?" I look at her, waiting for her explanation.
"Certainly," she adjusts herself on Hyde's lap to tell Randy,"Dani was dating Hyde. They had a rocky relationship, then he was cheating on her with me. He chose me, the better option."
Examining himself in a mirror, Kelso is brought into the conversation when he states,"Uh, Dani broke up with Hyde. You ruined our relationship, too, Jackie."
Then, Kelso gasps in horror,"I almost had a heart attack. I forgot to breathe when I was looking at myself."
Digging into a bag of candy with both hands, Fez agrees,"Jackie ruined my favorite couple, Hyde & Dani. They had a baby together."
Hyde snaps suddenly,"Jackie didn't ruin anything. There was nothing to ruin. I was happier with Jackie."
"Hyde," I stand up, throwing my beer in the trash. "You are so hypocritical. You say you want one thing, then you do something else. You need to go-"
"You would say you want me, then you'd be with Eric. Isn't-"
I almost laugh when he says that, then I interrupt him,"You bring up Eric all the time, but you cheated on me with Jackie for months. I cheated twice. That doesn't work for you at all. Why did you really start cheating on me? Was I unsatisfying?"
Hyde stands up quickly, knocking Jackie's light body off of him,"It doesn't matter. We're over. Stop obsessing over me. I'm with Jackie now."
I swallow, leveling my voice,"We were in love. Did John mean nothing to you? I just-"
"You want the truth?" Steven Hyde raises his eyebrows, becoming angrier as each second passes. "I don't know what I want. I've been really confused. I liked the way Jackie threw herself at me. I'm not ready to be tied down."
"So, if John was still alive, you'd just cheat on me with Jackie? Would he have two moms? I don't-"
"John isn't alive," Hyde ends the conversation by going to his room. Without a second to lose, Jackie follows her boyfriend.
With anger streaming through my body, tears pour down my face, & I start tearing the basement apart. Without using any strength, I launch Hyde's chair across the room, nearly missing his door. I start to grab the other chair and smash it when Randy peels it from my fingers, holding me against his chest.

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