Everything About You.

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And I get sick when I'm around, I can't stand to be around.
I hate everything about you!
Everything about you, everything about you, everything about you!
"Everything About You" // Ugly Kid Joe.

All in the basement, we've been hanging out & having a good time. Even Kelso is here, but he hasn't said a thing to Hyde nor Jackie. Neither have I.
Running his fingers along his pants, Fez smiles at us,"My friends, I am very happy to say that we are moving on. Life is going to be in our hands."
"Fez is right," Eric agrees, his arm around Donna. "Donna and I are getting married, Kelso's a cop, Dani's-"
"Having a baby," Kelso starts laughing with that idiotic but cute grin spreading across his face. "That's crazy."
I keep my eyes on Eric, but I can see Jackie sitting comfortably on Hyde's lap.
Just like I used to do.
Shoving chips into his mouth, Kelso interrupts my depressing thoughts,"You know, I like being an officer in training. I have authority."
Smiling, Donna admits, only-half jokingly,"I don't think you should have a gun."
"Yeah," Kelso nods, brushing wavy brown hair off of his face,"I accidentally shot my bed three times."
Getting to his feet, Fez opens a beer and asks aloud,"Why is America so great? Playboy, beer, and candy. It can't get much better than this."
Thinking seriously about it, Kelso disagrees,"I'd take out the Playboy and replace it with actually sleeping with a girl. Hyde would know all about that."
Honestly, that was great, Kelso. I have to tell him that later. For now, though, I'm going to keep this expressionless facade on.
Hyde rolls his eyes, muttering,"Get bent."
"You know what, Hyde," Kelso stands up quickly, looking at his former best friend as he goes on,"I loved Jackie. You stole her away from me, & you broke Dani's heart. You're not a good friend."
"Look, man," Hyde's eyes meet Kelso's with thick, visible disinterest,"what's done is done. I can't change that."
Eric's eyes meet mine, & I can tell his irritation is growing. Beside him, Donna shifts, watching what's happening.
Jackie comments, flipping her hair over her shoulder,"Besides, Hyde is happier with me."
She is trying to get to me. I won't let her win. Keeping my gaze on Kelso, I take a mental note to not lose my temper.
As Kelso admits this, his voice becomes sad and unbearable to hear,"Jackie, I love you. Did I do something wrong? I know I was a bad boyfriend, but you're all I want."
"I'm sorry, Michael," Jackie's tone doesn't change in its bitchiness at all. "I'm with Steven now, & we're both much happier now."
Swallowing, I feel my patience tick, thinning as she says each word. Man, I never did a fucking thing to her, & she has been a cunt since the first day.
"Hyde," Kelso turns to the guy who was like his brother, asking quietly,"why would you do this? I know I do stupid things, but we were best friends."
"I don't know," Hyde's eyes meet mine as he answers Kelso. "I don't know why I did that, but I'm happy like this."
That yanks the stitches from my torn heart. He's happy without me. The wound reopens, the emptiness and confusion flooding my body instantly.
"What did I do?" I ask him, not even raising my voice. "I thought we were happy. What did I do to mess this up?"
Answering with the same tone I used, Steven's beautiful, sculpted face turns in my direction,"Nothing. I was stressed, & she was there."
"I wasn't?" I ask sadly, chewing anxiously on my lip. What the fuck happened to us? I am so lost when it comes to this. For no reason, other than stress, he started cheating on me? That's stupid.
When Hyde replies, I see him swallow, his jaw becoming tight,"I don't know. I don't know anything right now."
To that, I keep my lips sealed. He seems to be just as confused as I am, which doesn't even make sense. While the aching longing for Hyde spreads, I watch Kelso leave, not saying a word to anyone. I know exactly how he feels.
Donna, Eric, & Fez have been silent, & I don't blame them. They don't know what to do.
Jackie, on the other, bitchier hand, has been instigating this entire thing. I've got to do something to her. I hate her.

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