Chaos Royale.

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Kill the king.
Long live my tyranny.
I'll give you anarchy, for all I give you anarchy.
So kill the king, and let the revolution sing.
All shall, all shall obey or die.
Hail my chaos royale.
"Chaos Royals" // Sister Sin.


Pulling my hair into a messy bun, I think about today. It was so cool. Everyone -including Jackie- went to the water tower. We sprayed a pot leaf on there, & we got pretty high. It was a lot of fun, though, because even Leo joined.
Jackie apologized for being such a bitch, & I forgave her because it's not a big deal, man. I just want to have fun.
There's a familiar, light knock on my door. Eric walks in, knowing he can do that.
"Hey, can we talk?" Eric asks me, which make me surprised. Why would he want to talk to me?
"Sure," I lock my door, then I sit next to him on my bed. My room -thanks to Kitty- is becoming more of mine than his sister's.
"I need your opinion," Eric's blue eyes meet mine, & he looks so innocent & confused. "If I asked anyone else, they'd probably call me an idiot."
Nodding, I wait for him to continue. He's definitely peaked my curiosity.
"I really love Donna. We've been together for years. I mean, she is the love of my life," Eric's eyes fall to my blanket. "I want to ask her to marry me."
Letting him see my emotions, I reason,"I understand why you didn't ask anyone else. You're 17, Eric. I mean, you might not be with Donna after high school. You guys have been together for awhile, though. If she makes you happy, then I would go for it."
"Really?" His spirit completely lifts after I say that. "I didn't expect that. Thank you. You're great."
That's when he kisses me.

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