Since I've Been Loving You.

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'Cause I love you, baby, How I love you, darling, How I love you, baby,
My beloved little girl, little girl.
But baby, since I've been loving you. I'm about to lose my worried mind, oh, yeah.
"Since I've Been Loving You" // Led Zep.

Driving home from the doctor, I feel a genuine smile spread across my face from ear to ear. The baby's a boy, which means he'll be Hyde Jr.
In my spacious, white VW Beetle, I turn the radio up, letting my joyous thoughts mix with the Beatles song playing.
Keeping my eyes on the road, I'm unable to wipe the smile off my face.
My little boy.

Shutting the kitchen screen door behind me, I see Hyde and Jackie making out against the wall. Why isn't she dead yet?
"It's a boy," I announce, relief running through my veins as I say that. A baby boy.
Hyde turns around, wiping the pink lipstick from his face and lips, a grin across his face. "Really?"
I nod, beaming, thinking of the childhood for our child, then I just go for it,"I still love you. We're having a baby. Jackie doesn't even know who Led Zeppelin is."
"Led who?" She asks, then she shakes her head. "Dani, he's with me. He doesn't want you."
Hyde's eyes fill with something, & his mask falls off - the same expressionless one I've been wearing,"I'm sorry. I don't know why I was with Jackie. I love you, too, Dani. Seeing you hurt was killing me, but it was my fault. I-"
Curling my fingers into his soft, familiar hair, I pull his face down, bringing his lips onto mine. Our kiss deepens, but it's not sexually.
This is the kind of kiss two people share when they're in love.

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