Hyde's POV.

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"Eric, we need to talk," I hear myself say. I was hoping I'd avoid this conversation, but things don't go my way.
"What's up, Hyde?" Eric turns the TV down, then he takes a seat on his couch.
Here goes nothing.
"I hooked up with this girl. We did it, & it was awesome, but I think," I sigh, knowing how he'll react,"I might have feelings for her."
"Awwwww!" Eric yells, making a big deal out of nothing. "Who's the lucky girl?"
Closing my eyes, I force the name out of my mouth:
"Woah, really?" Eric smiles, moving his head around as he thinks about it. "Ask her out, man."
"That's the thing, man. I can't," I continue, thinking about her. "I think she only wanted to hook up. She doesn't wear her feelings, man."
"She sounds a lot like you," Eric comments, & I punch him for that.
"That's another thing. We have too much in common. We're both stubborn, bitter, & emotionless. We would never stop fighting."
"Oh, trust me, Hyde," Eric starts chuckling. "Dani isn't emotionless."
"What are you talking about?"
"Well," Eric looks off as he recalls the memory,"I came in her room the other night. She was punching something because her knuckles were bleeding, & she had been crying."
I imagine that. I can't even picture her crying. She's strong.
"Wait," Eric raises his eyebrows and makes them dance,"you guys did it?"
"Yeah," I dismiss the subject. I know what I'll do."

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