Give In To Me.

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Love is a feeling.
Give it when I want it.
'Cause I'm on fire.
Quench my desire.
Give it when I want it.
Talk to me, woman.
Give in to me.
"Give In To Me" // Three Days Grace.

Smirking at myself, I decide to play a joke on my boyfriend. Hyde's asleep, but I'll talk loudly to wake him up.
Pressing the phone against my ear, I play with cord flirtatiously,"Of course, Daddy. Whatever you want."
Beside me, Steven stirs in bed, now facing me, & yawns. He's waking up.
Trying not to giggle, I bite my lip, stifling the laugh,"Yes, Daddy. I want your big, hard d-"
"Who the hell are you on the phone with?" Hyde tears the phone from my hand, anger blazing in his beautiful eyes, bringing it to his ear.
Unable to contain my laughter any longer, I burst out laughing, so he realizes it was just a joke. The anger from his expression vanishes, a smile spreading on his attractive face. Hyde sits on my stomach, holding my arms down on either side of me.
"You think that's funny?" He raises his eyebrows, using that serious expression of his - the one I absolutely love.
"No, sir," I try to wipe my smile off my face but fail miserably.
Sternly, he tells me while his eyes darken,"I am going to let go of your arms. If you move, you will be punished. Do you understand?"
With my heart rate erratically beating, I nod, chewing on my lip. When he releases my arms, I don't move.
That's when he starts to mercilessly tickle me, & of course, I move my arms to defend myself.
"Danielle," Steven narrows his eyes, rolling his tongue around in his mouth. "What did I tell you?"

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