Bloody Creature Poster Girl.

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I hunger for the taste of a painful ache that can survive my wicked sting.
"Bloody Creature Poster Girl" // In This Moment.

Blushing, I examine my hickeys in Hyde's mirror & ask,"What do I say when people ask?"
From behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist and starts to kiss my neck,"You're going to cover them with makeup, but they'll still be noticeable. Just say there's a guy."
"Hyde, you have three hickeys on your neck," I giggle, looking at him in the mirror. "They're not stupid."
"Kelso is," Hyde starts to laugh, then I turn around & kiss him. His lips are so soft & smooth; they drive me crazy.
"Red & Kitty wouldn't be happy with us dating," Hyde places his fingers in my belt loops, looking at me with that lopsided grin of his, then it fades away. "Eric told me you were crying the other night, & your knuckles were bleeding."
"Oh," is all I say. Brushing my hair, I attempt to hide the hickeys & avoid eye contact.
I like Hyde. I don't want to ruin what we have with my problems. He doesn't need to know, & I'm sure he doesn't care that much.
"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Hyde grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. He's stern about it, & it makes my insides tingle.
I answer with a simple,"No. Not now. There is one thing I want to talk about."
"What's that?" Steven traces his fingertips down my spine, & it makes me lose my words.
"Uh, I-I," my mouth curves into a smile, & we end up on the bed yet again.

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