Ballad Of Dwight Fry.

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Mommy, where's daddy?
He's been gone for so long.
Do you think he'll ever come home?
I was gone for fourteen days.
I could've been gone for more.
Held up in the intensive care ward,
Lyin' on the floor.
"Ballad of Dwight Fry" // Alice Cooper.

Within the past two months, I've definitely gained some weight. I could pass it off as just being fat, but it doesn't look like fat. It looks like there's a baby inside of my stomach.
Hyde's still a chef, & he's made a generous amount of cash by selling drugs, but that's only temporary. I'm currently going to police academy with Kelso, & I really love it. I didn't picture myself as a cop, but I've always been interested in crime.
When I walk into the Formans' living room, all eyes are on me. Red, Kitty, Eric, & Hyde are all standing, & it looks like everyone is tense with anger.
Red keeps his eyes locked with Hyde's while he announces,"Everyone in the kitchen."
As we all pour into the kitchen, Eric whispers in my ear,"I am so sorry. It just came out."
Eric, Hyde, & I sit in chairs next to each other while Red & Kitty stand, scolding us.
Red asks me, his hard eyes on mine,"How does that baby feel in your stomach? Hopefully, it won't come out like a dumbass like you. How could you be pregnant?"
"Well, when two people are intimate-"
"Save the bullshit," Red cuts me off, crossing his arms over his chest. "And you," he directs his attention to Hyde,"you got her pregnant in my house. What were you thinking? Oh, right. You weren't."
Kitty adds her opinion in with a forced, tight smile,"Red is trying to say that he loves you, & he wants the best for all of you. A baby is a big step in life, which you two aren't prepared for."
"Steven," Red glares at us, saying,"with your next paycheck, we're getting her an abortion."
Without a second to lose, Eric, Hyde, & I stand up, protesting, all talking at once. Even Kitty starts to say that isn't right.
"It's my house, my rules," Red raises his booming voice over all of ours. "You're getting an abortion or you're out."
"Then I'm packing my bags," I announce, leaving the kitchen. Who the fuck does he think he is? He can't force me to kill my baby. Even if this baby isn't ideal, I'm not going to let my kid down.
Stuffing clothes into my bags, I lose the feeling in my body as I fill with rage. I'm fucking heated. Red's an ass.
Eric & Hyde come in at the exact same time. They both look great, but that doesn't matter.
Eric insists urgently,"You can't leave. I'll talk to them. I can't-"
"Fuck this!" I scream at him, launching my bag across the room. "Your dad is a fucking asshole! I am not staying in this fucking house!"
Hyde tries, stepping closer to me,"We just graduated. You can move out soon enough. Let Eric talk to Red."
"Do you want us to get an abortion, Hyde?" I start punching the door frame without any thought, letting blood trickle from my knuckles. Slamming my fist into the door frame harder, I let out another scream & push over my book shelf.
With blood streaming down my hand, I feel tears pouring down my cheeks, but they're from anger - not sadness. I can't believe this. He expects me to get an abortion?
Eric leaves the room quickly, knocking something over in the process. Angered, I lay on my bed, taking a deep breath.
I am so tired of being upset.
Not even a second later, I feel Hyde climb into bed next to me, pulling me into his arms. Not even that gives me relief.
"Hyde, this is so fucked up. I want our baby-"
"Babe," Hyde kisses my head, trying to soothe me,"Eric is talking to his parents. They can't kick out a pregnant teen; that isn't right. We'll figure this out."

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