And I Love Her.

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A love like ours
Could never die.
As long as I
Have you near me.
"And I Love Her" // the Beatles.

"I swear, man," Hyde laughs, smiling. "Every time we do it, it gets better."
Blushing, I lay my head on his warm chest,"Hyde, I need to tell you something."
"Yeah, baby?" He murmurs, playing with my hair. See, I love when Hyde is like this. It shows me that he does care.
"I was really upset because I'm having the baby, then you were mad, & I cheated on you."
"I did, too," he chuckles lightly then stops abruptly. "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, too," I smile at the fact he isn't mad, then I question, full of curiosity. "With who?"
"That isn't important," Hyde sits up, pulling me into his lap. "Who did you cheat on me with?"
"You tell me first," I smirk at him, challenging. "Ladies first."
His eyes light up with amusement as he warns,"Don't make me get my belt. Tell me right now."
That makes my insides tingle uncontrollably, & I give in, although I do want him to get the belt,"Eric."
"You told me there was nothing between you guys," his expression morphs into anger.
"There isn't. He was just there," I pause, staring into his glasses to prove I'm serious. "Who did you cheat on me with?"
"Jackie," his jaw becomes hard & set, flexing the muscles in his handsome face.
"Jackie?" In utter disbelief, I stare at him, asking,"Why her? What about Kelso?"
"What about Donna?" Steven shouts, knocking me off of him. "How would Donna feel if she knew you & Eric had sex after you already kissed him?" With full force, he backhands me, causing a fierce, stinging sensation to form. Tears surface to my eyes, & I try to blink them away.
"How can you be mad when you did the exact same thing?" I stand up, rage running through my veins. "I screwed up, but so did you. I just wanted to tell you. I'm sorry."
After he takes a long, deep breath, Hyde kisses me, & we start talking about the baby again.

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