Alone Again.

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Tried so hard to make you see,
But I couldn't find the words.
Now the tears, they fall like rain.
I'm alone again without you.
Alone Again // Dokken.

"Eric, I love him," I cry into his shoulder harder, not caring that I'm a complete wimp. "I really love him, & it seems like he hates me."
Running his fingers through my hair, Eric tells me quietly,"Hyde doesn't hate you, okay? I'll talk to him later & see if I can figure out how he feels. He still has feelings for you. That much is obvious."
"What makes you think that?" I stare at his blue robe, feeling really cowardly. My heart feels torn to pieces.
Eric came in my room this morning, then I don't know. I just broke down. Since then, he's been comforting me.
Before he says anything, he pauses,"I-Hyde has abandonment issues. The only time he talks to girls is for sex, but you guys were actually into each other. It was weird seeing him without his walls up."
"And now he hates me," I take a shaky breath, dry my eyes, & we head downstairs. I can't cry all day. I've been going to school, which sucks, but it's better than nothing.
When we get into the kitchen, everyone's eating their breakfast. Once Red looks at Eric, he sighs, tossing his fork onto his plate.
"Are you two still doing it?" Red questions, giving his son a pointed look. "You have a girlfriend."
"No, Dad, we never did anything," Eric plops into his chair, receiving a skeptical look from Red.
Red motions to me,"Where did she get the hickeys from, then, dumbass?"
With wide eyes, Eric sticks up for me, & it makes me smile,"Look, Dani's having a hard time right now, okay. Her dad is in prison after he tried to attack her, then she's going through a breakup-"
"A breakup?" Kitty looks at me, her eyes gleaming with utter curiosity. "I'm sure the young man didn't know what he was missing."
"No," I take another bite of my eggs and feel Hyde watching me. "He was right to break up with me. I was a horrible girlfriend, & he deserves better."
"How could you have possibly been a horrible girlfriend?" Kitty cocks her head to the side.
Eric answers for me,"This really stupid guy kissed her, & she kissed back for a fraction of a second. Her boyfriend found out, & he broke up with her."
Hyde's eyes don't leave my face. He continues staring at me until I say,"She really loves him."
Standing up, he pulls his jean jacket on, & he doesn't look at anyone. Red & Kitty are clueless. I just admitted I loved Hyde, & he just made it obvious that he couldn't care less.
"That's it," Eric mutters. He stands up, pointing at Hyde,"Hey, man. You're a real jerk. Stop being so cruel to Dani. I kissed her. She's in love with you, & you're breaking her heart-"
"Like she broke mine," Hyde's chest rises & falls as he becomes angered. "I was a great boyfriend to you, Dani. You ruined everything."
"No, Hyde," Eric stares at him with a set jaw. "I did. I kissed her. She feels guilty enough, & you're making everything worse. You know what? You don't even deserve her. She's been a great girl, & you've treated her terribly."
"Forman, you don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you just admit you like her?" Hyde challenges, his eyes drenched in anger. Kitty & Red are engaged in watching rather than intervening.
"Because I don't! I'm in love with Donna!" Eric yells, now frustrated. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he takes a breath. Once he's calm, he quietly explains,"Look, I just know that Dani's been through a lot, & she has it bad enough."
From there, I take over,"Yeah, Hyde. I'd be pissed if you kissed another girl, but I'm really sorry. I hate not talking to you. We were a good couple."
Without saying anything, he wraps me in his arms, & it's such a familiar, safe place. He smells amazing - like weed & beer, which is just his natural scent, & I love it.
I wouldn't change a thing.

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