Love Bites.

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When you make love, do you look in the mirror?
Who do you think of, does he look like me?
Do you tell lies and say that it's forever?
Do you think twice, or just touch 'n' see?
"Love Bites" // Def Leppard.

That night, I decide to confront Hyde. Unless Kelso is somehow wrong, Hyde has been lying to me & cheating on me for quite some time now.
Without waiting a second longer, I open Hyde's door, turning the light on.
Hyde has his arms around Jackie the way he would have them around me.
"Dani, I can explain," he sits up, making Jackie roll her eyes.
As my heart is pierced with a mixture of rage & aching pain, I shake my head,"Fuck you, Hyde. You told me you loved me. I- When I find out the baby's gender, I will tell you. Until then, get bent, you asshole."
Rushing upstairs, I bump into Red, who, since he agreed to let me stay, has been avoiding me.
"Oh, it's the dumbass with the dumbass baby and the dumbass boyfriend," his expressionless face makes me want to punch not only him, but everything in sight.
Instead, I nod, turning my emotions off,"Yeah, that's me."
"What?" Red almost smiles, which is rare. "No smartass remark?"
"Not tonight," I head upstairs, wanting only to sleep and comfort my baby.

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