Bad Reputation.

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I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation
You're living in the past, it's a new generation
A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do.
"Bad reputation" // Joan.

During dinner that night, we're all seated at the table. I met Eric's parents earlier, & I don't think Donna liked the thought of me living here. I don't blame her, but whatever.
Chewing his food, Red uses his fork to point at Eric & Hyde,"I'm glad that dope head Leo left. What do you guys see in him?"
"He's my dad," my eyes meet Red's, then he nods, not saying anything.
"Anyway," Kitty smiles at me,"We're glad you're staying here, Dani! Why don't you tell us about your life up to this point?"
"There isn't much to tell," I start shoving food in my mouth to avoid the explanation of my life story. To say the least, it wasn't pleasant at all, & I don't want to let any of them know.
Even Leo, my dad, doesn't know. Then again, he didn't ask.
Smiling, Kitty questions,"How about tomorrow you & I go shopping? If you're living here, then you need items."
Red sighs at the thought of spending more money and groans,"Kitty, why do we have to spend money on all of Eric's friends? It's like we have 4 kids."
Gasping, Kitty looks at her husband,"Now, Red, that's just horrible. We can discuss this later."

Later on that night, I'm in my room, which used to be Eric's sister's room, but I guess she went to college. I've lived in foster homes and with a few different families, so I dropped out of highschool.
Okay. I didn't drop out.
My main foster father signed me out because he didn't want me to have an education. I didn't really complain due to the fact I wanted to smoke weed all day.
Things, however, didn't go like that.
His name was William. He and his wife had adopted me when I was 12. William viciously abused me, and since the first time he hit me, I wanted to kill him.
William was sadistic, cruel, and merciless. I hated him with every cell in my body. He tortured me. I was his outlet for anger.
I recently ran away, stole some paperwork, & found out that Leo was my biological dad. My mom's name wasn't listed, but I didn't care. I just needed to be away from William.
Filled with anger, I start punching my wooden door frame. William violated me. He raped me.
He deserves to suffer.
After a few moments of white-hot rage, I realize my face is soaked with tears, & my knuckles are bleeding.
William ruined my life. Eric's family is so nice. Red's a bit of an asshole, but aren't we all?
Eric has the dream life, & he doesn't even realize it. My life has been pure hell. All I've wanted is to be either dead or loved by a family.
Once I pull my black hair in to a messy bun, I pace around the room, thoughts running through my head, and blood trickling off my hand.
There's a quiet knock on the door, then Eric Forman walks in. He's wearing his pajamas, which are blue.
Shutting the door, his eyes widen as he examines my hand,"Are you okay? What happened? Have you been crying?"
"No," I chuckle, trying to not be such a fucking wimp. "I'm good. Thanks for letting me stay here."
As he walks into my bathroom to retrieve something, Eric replies,"It's no problem. Well," a small laugh erupts from his throat,"Donna's upset, but that's not your fault."
"I figured she would be," I wipe my eyes, staring at the floor. I hate when people see me cry.
A moment later, Eric covers my hand in bandages and questions,"What's going on?"
"It's nothing you need to be concerned about," I force a smile then swallow the lump on my throat, wanting to cry. No one has ever cared before to ask.
"I'm right down the hall, so if you need to talk," Eric clears his throat. "I'll be there. Good night."
"Good night," I shut the door behind him & take a deep breath. As kind as Eric is, I can't tell him.
When I get into bed that night, I keep thinking about a certain guy, but I can't find the reason.
Hey, guys! Thanks for reading the story. Well, only like 6 people have read it. Honestly, though, I am writing this because I want to.
If you could recommend this or do something to get more people to read this, I could do something for you in return. Thanks, everyone. (: Feel free to comment, vote, or do whatever.

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