I Kissed A Girl.

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I kissed a girl, & I liked it.
The taste of her cherry chapstick.
I kissed a girl just to try it.
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it.
It felt so wrong.
It felt so right.
Don't mean I'm in love tonight.
I kissed a girl, & I liked it.
I liked it.
"I Kissed A Girl" // Katy Perry.

Whining, Jackie pleads,"It'll be fun! All we do is sit around and watch TV. Come on!"
"Okay," Hyde snaps, his patience breaking within a second. "Fine. We'll play your stupid game."
Clapping her hands together, Jackie smiles, showing off her perfect teeth,"It's kind of like truth-or-dare. I'll start. Everyone in the room has to honestly say how many people they've slept with."
Fuck her.
Sighing, Fez uses his accent whilst saying,"Zero."
Counting on his fingers, Kelso gives up,"Over 20. I mean, what can I say? I'm hot."
Thinking about it, Hyde drums his fingers on his beer, then he answers,"Probably ten or eleven."
If Eric says two instead of one, Donna will know he & I had sex.
Donna -smiling at her fiancé - gives her answer,"One."
"Me, too," Eric chuckles, then, in order to not give anything away, he takes a long swig of his beer.
"Two," I answer honestly. Hyde was my first, then there was Eric. The only person who knows that is Hyde, though.
Examining her impeccable nails, Jackie proudly says,"Three."
Fez takes his turn by asking,"How many people have you kissed?"
Again, using his fingers, Kelso becomes frustrated,"Over 30."
Picking at a loose thread from the couch, Jackie admits,"Five, I think."
Steven Hyde - now lighting a joint - answers without much interest in his voice,"Like 15."
When Eric answers with "two," Donna rolls her eyes, but she answers the same thing.
"Wait," Eric looks at her, confusion written all over his face,"who else have you kissed?"
Smiling, she keeps her lips sealed.
I answer,"3."
Hyde. Eric. Donna.
Yes, Donna & I kissed. We made out a lot. This was when I was single. She felt bad, then things became really hot.
Fez raises his eyebrows in a humorous way,"Who have you girls kissed? You must tell us."
"We could show you who we kissed," Donna suggests, trying to wipe the eager smile off of her pretty face.
Kelso shouts, throwing his hands in the air,"YES!"
Donna & I lean over to each other, then we give our friends a surprise by kissing each other. You can practically hear the breath leaving the guys' lungs.
"You two kissed?" Eric asks, still stunned by the short, sweet kiss.
"MORE! MORE! MORE!" Fez & Kelso chant, pretending to praise us. Oh, man. This is great.
Pleased, Hyde offers his big grin and suggests,"You should do that again."
"If we kiss again, then you owe us something," I decide, giving Donna a sly smile.
Without any hesitation, each boy says,"Deal."
Sitting across from each other, Donna and I start kissing slowly, seductively. Her lips taste like cherries. With my heart hammering against my chest, I tangle my hands in Donna's smooth red hair, taking control of the kiss.
Biting softly on her lower lip, I feel her hands travel down my body. Just as I start to unbutton her shirt, I hear Fez exert a gasp of excitement.
I end the kiss by pulling back and saying,"That's all, boys."
"Come on," Kelso whines, wanting more. "That was such a tease. There was no boob action. We want to see more."
Nodding, Eric clears his throat, adjusting his pants,"That was good."
"No, it wasn't," Jackie bitches, rolling her brown-green eyes at them. "That was nasty."
"Yes," Fez smiles at us. "And Fez likes nasty."
"My turn," Kelso leans toward me, sticking his lips out.
Hyde hits him in the face, then Kelso recoils, yelling,"My eye!"
Finishing his beer, Hyde tosses it in the trash, & announces,"Dani and I will be back in a few minutes."
I go with Hyde to his room, not sure why we left.
"What?" I ask him.
"When you and Donna were kissing," he starts taking my pants off,"that was so hot."

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