Billion Dollar Babies.

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If I'm too rough, tell me.
I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands.
Million dollar baby.
Billion dollar baby.
Trillion dollar baby.
Zillion dollar baby.
"Billion Dollar Babies" // Alice Cooper.

"That's a mistake," I quickly say, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach. "That has to be a mistake."
"I checked three times, Ms.Pierce. You are pregnant," the doctor smiles kindly at me, probably thinking I'm a slut.
I can't be pregnant. I'm 17, & I don't want kids. I don't even know what I want my career to be. I can't do this.
Oh my god.
What's Hyde going to say? He's going to probably leave me. He doesn't want a baby either. How can this even-
My life is amazing.

Drinking tea, I sit at the kitchen table, feeling empty & lost. I do not want a baby. I don't know what to do. An actual baby.
"What's wrong?" Kitty asks me, stirring something in a bowl. "Is it Steven? Boys are a waste of time at your age."
Swallowing hard, I clench my jaw,"Nothing," & I go outside. While I lean against Eric's Vista Cruiser, I take a deep breath. The air smells of weed, which I could really use right now.
"Hey. I've been looking for you," A grin spreads appealingly across Hyde's face, but it doesn't make me feel any better.
"I'm here," I say, staring at his black AC/DC shirt.
Concerned, Hyde questions with emotion in his voice,"Is everything okay?"
"I-" my eyes - full of tears - meet his for a short second, then I turn around. I start to walk away quickly when he grabs me by the arm, turning my body towards his.
"What?" His breathtaking blue eyes stare into mine, full of concern. His grip on my arms increases when I don't say anything.
I physically feel my lip quiver as I force out the words: I'm pregnant.
Immediately, his eyes lose the caring emotion they just contained. They fill with anger, which is what I expected. This is the end of us.
"Pregnant?" Using his tight tone, his jaw is hard, firm, and he squeezes my arms. "Are you kidding me? This isn't something to joke about, Dani."
Pressed against Eric's tan car, I nod, looking at the ground,"I know. I don't want this either."
Suddenly, he pushes off of me, turning away. As he pinches the bridge of his nose, I watch the irritation spread through his body. "I can't believe this. Do you even know what's going to happen? A fucking baby. I don't want to be a dad."
"I know, Steven," I cross my arms over my chest, wishing this was a vile dream. "I can't be a mom. Do you know how much babies cost? I'm not going to college. How can I make money for a baby?"
Outraged, Hyde grabs a plastic white chair & starts slamming it against the ground, sending pieces across the driveway. When he's done, he launches the chair into the backyard.
Hyde & I can't provide a good childhood for this baby. This kid will be just as dysfunctional as we are.

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