Over and Over.

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Over and over, over and over.
I fall for you.
Over and over, over and over.
I try not to.
Over and over, over and over.
You make me fall for you.
Over and over, over and over.
You don't even try.
"Over and Over" // Three Days Grace.

I've been crying all morning.
Hyde & I have been great, but I guess he's been happy because he's been with Jackie Burkhart.
We've endured so much together. What have they been through together? An orgasm?
The thought makes me sick to my stomach. Hugging my KISS pillow tightly to my chest, I sob harder. It feels like the stitches from heart are being torn one by one. Over and over again.
Hyde came in to check on me because I didn't come to breakfast. I just told him I didn't feel well, & I don't know or care if he bought my story.
What did I do wrong? We've been getting along. If he has a reason for being unfaithful with Jackie, then I'm intrigued to hear.
Eric came in earlier to ask me, & I broke down. I told him what I witnessed, & he was shocked. We both thought they hated each other.
For a while, I just laid my head on his chest while he stroked my hair, & I explained how I felt about Hyde. After pouring my heart out to my best friend, he promised he wouldn't say anything, & we continued to talk. I honestly felt so much better with Eric by my side.
Gathering my courage, I pull my hair into a messy bun, & I go to the basement, although my heart is still breaking. The entire gang is down there.
Hyde is sitting in his usual seat with his feet propped on the table, watching TV. He's dressed in all denim, & it's really attractive.
"Hyde," I walk close to him, asking,"can we talk?"
"Uh, sure," Hyde starts to get up when Eric interrupts abruptly,"No. Dani, say it in front of anyone. I'm so mad right now that I could break like two pencils."
Donna starts laughing at the last part, then she apologizes,"Sorry, Dani. Go ahead."
I force myself to look into his mesmerizing blue eyes as I tell him,"I know you've been cheating on me with Jackie."
"Oh," is all he says.
Crossing my arms over my chest, my eyes avert from his gaze,"I'm tired of not understanding how you feel about me. You tell me you love me, then I find out you've been cheating on me for months. I'm not doing it anymore."
"Okay," Steven nods, getting back into his comfortable position. I take that to be the end of our conversation.

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