Casual Sex.

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It's just your typical, hardcore, casual sex.
We're single but we're lovers, crazy for each other.
Just your typical, hardcore, casual sex.
We're wild under the covers, crazy for each other.
"Casual Sex" // My Darkest Days.

Peeling my eyes open, I sit up & stretch. Oh, man. I'm exhausted.
Wait. Who's room is this?
As I see all the posters, I realize this is Hyde's room.
Did we have sex?
The memories hit me like a ton of bricks:
Fez, Hyde, & I were really high. Hyde & I came back to his room, then we started making out. We didn't even say anything.
I don't know. There was this attraction between us, & we didn't have to speak.
I remember that we had sex, & it was amazing. Is it possible to orgasm 3 times?
When we finished, we acted like nothing happened, partied for awhile, then when everyone was passed out, we had more sex.
Knocking me out of my thoughts, Hyde walks in, then he tosses me a beer,"I would have made you breakfast, but I can't cook."
"I wouldn't want breakfast from you," I roll my eyes, trying to hide my smirk. "You weren't good in bed, so you clearly aren't good at cooking."
His eyes light up with amusement, & his smile is beautiful as he chuckles,"I think someone kept begging for more last night. I could be wrong, but whatever."
Drinking my beer, I feel myself smile,"Thanks, Hyde. Last night was great."
"It was," he leans against the wall, then I look at how attractive he really is. His hair is so soft & flawless. I love it. His blue eyes, which I really adore, are a deep, mesmerizing color. Hyde's lips - well, they are very skilled. . . along with his tongue.
"If you keep staring at me like that, we may have to go into round 4," his smirk makes my heart do a flip.
"As much as I'd love to," I take a long swig of my beer,"I think we should talk about this."
"What is there to talk about?"
When he says that, my heart stops. What does he mean? Did he only like me for the sex?
Yes, the sex was incredible, but I like Hyde.
"Uh," Biting my lip, I stand up & nod,"you're right. I had fun."
"Hey, let's keep this between us. If the Forman's found out, they would probably kick you out, & our friends would turn nothing into something."
Nothing into something.
"Yeah," My expression remains neutral. "I know what you mean. I'm going to leave before anyone comes to the basement."
Without saying anything else, Steven Hyde drops into his bed, his arms behind his head. I quickly run through the house & go to my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I look terrible.
My black hair is a thick mess, & my green eyes are beyond bloodshot. Flushed with humiliation, I turn the shower on & strip down.
If Hyde doesn't like me, I can go back to my "whatever" attitude. Life is easier like that, anyway.
Yeah. I am writing way too many chapters at once, but I love this story. It will get really interesting soon enough.

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