Leader of the Broken Hearts.

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All the lies I told you now the truth.
Here I am with nothing left to lose.
Now that I'm crawling in my skin.
Maybe it's time I just give in.
I've become the leader of the broken hearts.
"Leader Of The Broken Hearts" // Papa Roach.

Dropping her purse on the table, Jackie sighs,"That was just terrible."
Flustered, Kelso says to Kitty,"I lost my pants."
Keeping her eyes away from Kelso, Kitty questions with hand motions,"Did you see any spooky ghosts? Wait- where's Donna?"
That's when Eric walks hastily out of the kitchen & to his room.
At the "haunted" house, we had a lot of fun, but Donna broke up with Eric. I haven't talked to Hyde much. I know I need to go to Donna's later, but I need to talk to Eric first. He was there for me after my breakup with Hyde.
I head to Eric's room with dread in my mind. This is completely my fault. Well, if Hyde didn't say anything, Eric wouldn't be sobbing his eyes out.
Hyde only thinks about himself.
I open the door to Eric's room, & he's under his blankets from head to toe, listening to some sad song. He looks just like I did the other day.
"Eric," I sit on the edge of his bed, feeling terrible about all of this. "I'm so sorry. I w-"
"This isn't your fault. Don't you see that?" Eric sits up, looking at me with puffy red eyes. "I kissed you, then Hyde had to tell Donna. I know that I screwed up by kissing you, but we both apologized to Hyde. He chose to be an asshole."
"I know," I rub his back lightly, hating everything about this. None of this should be happening. "Is there anything I can do for you? I know how much you love Donna."
"I just want to be alone," he swallows hard, staring at the ground. His eyes fill with tears again, & it kills me. My heart aches for him. I know exactly how he feels.
I hug him for a long time until I finally decide it's time to talk to Donna.

"I don't want to see you," Donna sits on her bed, averting her eyes from mine. "You kissed my boyfriend."
"Donna," I take a seat in her computer chair & start,"I know you probably hate me, & I really don't blame you. It didn't - he kissed me because he had a problem, then he asked me, & he was just confused. I promise you that it meant nothing."
"How would you feel if kissed Hyde & said it meant nothing? I'm in love with Eric," she raises her voice, about to cry. She shuts her mouth and sits there, thinking. Her eyes look just like Eric's.
Chewing on my lip, I take a pack of cigarettes from the inside of my jean jacket & take a breath,"I've really fucked everything up. Donna, you & Eric have something that's irreplaceable. You will never find that with anyone else. Don't let some pointless kiss ruin everything. You got Hyde & I back together, so I need to do the same."
As she nods, Donna rubs her eyes, sighing,"Okay. I'll think about it. I'll see you tomorrow."
Before I leave, I give her a hug, apologize again, & I decide I need to find Hyde.

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