Babe I'm Gonna Leave You.

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Baby, baby, I wanna leave you.
I ain't jokin' woman, I got to ramble.
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You // Led Zeppelin.

I replay "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" by Led Zeppelin for the 37th time, & it's the same cycle:
The song starts, the pain fills my body, & the tears pour endlessly from my eyes.
I'm devastated from my breakup with Hyde. I honestly didn't think it was a big deal. I know that sounds really stupid.
After Eric & I kissed, I didn't give it a second thought. Eric did it because he was confused. I kissed him back because either a) I'm a dumbass, as Red would say or b) I was into the kiss, then I realized it was Eric.
Hyde & I have a lot in common. He was cool. He wasn't a complete girl like Eric, an idiot like Kelso, or a horny, needy guy like Fez. Hyde was just cool.
I don't know. I felt like he really was into me. I usually don't cry, but then again, Hyde was my first boyfriend.
How can I live in the same house as him? How can I see him every day?
Oh my gosh.
If he knows Eric & I kissed, he'll probably tell Donna, then Donna will break up with Eric. Eric is planning to propose to her.
Yeah. I guess you can say I ruin everything.
On top of all of this, which I believe I caused, Kitty answered the phone once I went to the basement. William is coming to dinner in an hour. They think he's my foster father, who I loved.
If there was a contest for "worst life ever," I think I would win.
I don't know what to do. He's going to try to take me back. Leo won't be here, so it's not like he could fight for me. Red & Kitty think he's father of the year.
The amount of dread in my heart is unfathomable.

"Oh!" Kitty squeals, happiness in her voice. "I think your father is here!'
When he walks in, my heart is seized with terror. William looks the exact same. His blonde hair is perfectly groomed, his thick glasses still rest on his slender nose, then he has those eyes I've always hated. They're a cold, heartless black which turned into fury whenever he would hurt me.
He dresses like a complete nerd, which is very misleading. He's very strong.
His blue cardigan accompanies those beige khakis he's always wearing. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.
Taking a seat at the table, William is introduced to everyone. Eric looks at William with interest. Hyde sends murderous glares to him.
"Honey, I missed you very much," William feigns happiness with a tight smile, which let's me know that he's in-fucking-furiated.
Forcing a smile, I start filling my mouth with food. I don't want to be reunited with him. He's a monster.
Kitty, the kind lady she truly is, asks my foster father,"So, have you spoken to Dani's biological father, Leo?"
Red comments, taking a sip of his beer,"He's a hippie, Kitty."
"No," William adjusts his glasses, his black eyes meeting mine as he says,"I'm afraid I haven't. My wife, Danielle's foster mother, recently passed away. That's why Dani ran away. I have not spoken to many people since my wife's death."
That's a lie. His wife is alive. I left because of that unbearable, excruciatingly painful night. He left me in more pain that night than ever before.
"Oh, my. I'm so sorry to hear that," Kitty frowns, then she starts to change the subject,"William, have-"
"Pardon me. Why don't you tell me how my daughter has been? Um, Danielle? What's on your neck?" William pops his neck into place - the way he used to just before he'd backhand me.
With a tone of sadness, Kitty tells him,"Some awful boys decided to attack her."
"On your neck?" William pushes, knowing the truth. "Danielle, those look a lot like hickeys."
"Like what?" Kitty squints her eyes at him.
Suddenly, Hyde stands up, then he shouts,"Why the hell do you care what Dani does? I know what you did to her."
My heart stops when that happens.
Dumbfounded, Red asks,"Steven, what are you talking about?"
"He abused her. She told me everything. You're such a coward, William," then Hyde, my hero, punches him in his pointed, perfect nose.

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