I Need You.

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That's when it hurt me and feeling like this
I just can't go on anymore.
Please remember how I feel about you.
I could never really live without you.
"I Need You" // the Beatles.

Due to the fact I haven't seen a doctor in years, Kitty, Eric's kind mom, insisted I go with her just for a checkup. As much as I wanted to decline the request, I knew she didn't have to let me live in her house.
Sitting on the bed, I stare at the ground, waiting for the doctor. Kitty is in the lobby. Blushing hard, my mind goes back to the other night with Hyde.
When I disobeyed him, things became heated, & I don't know. Everything he does is so hot. First, he spanked me hard, then I had to suck his dick. Both things were a huge turn on.
"Dani," the doctor chuckles, lightly. "Hello?"
Chewing on my lip hard, I try to dismiss the thoughts,"Hey."
As Dr.Lancaster closes his creamy brown eyes, he takes a breath,"I have news, which I did not tell your guardian, Kitty. I thought it would be best to tell you."
Oh, great. He found weed in my body. Nice.
Feigning a smile, he laces his bony fingers together & informs me,"You're pregnant."

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