Project Escape Atlanta (Edited)

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Setting: Atlanta, Season One

WARNING: There is a very offensive racial slur in this chapter. I'm quoting from the show, this is not my own mind.

"Whoa! Calm down, Andrea!" A Mexican guy exclaimed. "We'll be ok!"

Andrea didn't remove the gun. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I took my machete out of its holster and held the tip at her temple. "Sweetie, if you shoot him, you'll just attract more walkers. Now I suggest you let him go," I said quietly.

Andrea hesitated but put her gun down. "Oh, and sweetie, the safety was on," I added. Andrea groaned. Glenn broke the silence. "How about we introduce you guys? Fellas, this is Rick Grimes and Nico Jensen." The Mexican guy stood up. "I'm Morales."

"I'm T-Dog," A black guy said. "And it seems that you already know Glenn and just met Andrea. So the only person left is-" He was interrupted by loud gunshots. Andrea groaned again. "Oh no, is that Dixon?" T-Dog looked at Rick and me. "Well, you're about to meet him."

We ran up a couple flights of stairs until we reached the rood entrance. Glenn looked at me. "You'll be lucky if Merle doesn't try to grab your ass or anything." On instinct, I grabbed Rick's bicep. I pulled away immediately. "Sorry," I mumbled. Rick shrugged. "I'll make sure he doesn't try anything," He said with a grin as he wrapped one arm around me.

We walked onto the roof and saw a man holding a shotgun. He was shooting at the biters below. "How big of a dumbass is this guy?" I said. "Merle!" T-Dog yelled. "What the hell you doin'?" This guy, Merle, looked at us with a devilish grin. "Best be polite to a man with a gun. Its only common sense!" He said. His voice had a scratchy Southern drawl to it.

"Merle, for God's sake! You'll attract every walker in a ten mile radius!" T-Dog yelled again.

"Do you know the day I'll know I've lost my mind?" Merle said, still smiling. T-Dog didn't stop frowning.

"It'll be the day I take orders from a nigger," He responded. Oh no he didn't !

"Oh, what the fuck?!" T-Dog yelled angrily. He tried to throw a punch at Merle, but he grabbed T-Dog by the neck and slammed him into a metal pipe. Everyone was screaming at Merle. This guy was a racist bitch! Rick grabbed Merle from behind and pulled out a pair of cuffs.

"Who the hell are you?" Merle spat. Rick pulled out a gun. "Officer Friendly. This is my sidekick, Officer Ass-Kicker." As if on cue, I walked up to the stupid redneck and pulled his chin up so he looked me in the eyes. He went from angry to flirtatious in a second. "Hey there, sugar-tits," He said. I rolled my eyes and pulled out a pair of bronze knuckles.

Again, don't ask why I have those.

I put the knuckles on and punched him in the face once. "Best be polite to a man with a gun. It's only common sense," I said. Rick chuckled. Merle looked at me. His cheek was torn and bleeding profusely. Damn, I only wanted to knock some sense into the guy. I underestimate my own strength!


Merle was handcuffed to the roof. We were downstairs, trying to figure out a plan to get us out of Atlanta and to Glenn's group.

"There's a construction site. We could steal a truck," T-Dog suggested.

"How would we get passed the walkers?" Andrea asked.

Rick and I looked at each other and grinned. I knew we were thinking the same thing. We quickly walked outside and grabbed a dead walker. We brought it in and laid it down. Rick picked up an ax and gave it to me.

"Would you like to do the honors?" He asked.

"It would be my pleasure," I responded. Morales looked concerned. "Are you sure this can work?"

"You smell dead, to them you are dead," Was my response. With that, I lifted the ax. "Wait," Glenn said. "This guy was a decent man. His name was Wayne Dunlap. He has a picture of a pretty girl in his wallet. And one more thing. He was an organ donor."

"How convenient," I scoffed and brought the ax down hard on the walker's abdomen. I heard Andrea gag. Blood and guts were flying everywhere. I was one for gore. Loved gory horror movies and whatnot. I slammed the ax down repeatedly. Glenn groaned, "I think I'm gonna puke!" His body convulsed and he threw up over the floor.

"Not helping Glenn! This smells bad enough!" T-Dog exclaimed. I kept slamming the ax down till I was hitting nothing but the floor. "Ok, here's the plan: Rick, Glenn, and I will cover ourselves in walker guts. We'll walk right through them, grab a truck. Then, we'll come back to pick y'all up. Be ready!"

The group nodded and proceeded to dump guts all over me, Rick, and Glenn. "Don't get any on your skin, in your mouth, or in your eyes!" Rick warned.

Soon, we were covered in guts. We made our way outside. I was carrying my machete, Rick had an axe, and Glenn had a crowbar. We tried our best to blend in. It was going really well! We were almost there! Then the rain came. "The smell is coming off!" Glenn yelled. "Move!" I screamed and ripped off the bloody trench coat. Rick and Glenn did the same.

"We need a diversion!" Rick yelled. "I'm on it!" Glenn responded as he ran to a red Challenger. He wired it to make the panic alarm go off. Leading the walkers away, Rick and I made it to a small white truck. We hopped in and drove to the department building. God knows where Glenn was.

I went into the back of the truck and opened it. Morales, Andrea, and T-Dog all hopped in. I only noticed Merle was missing when T-Dog told us how he dropped the key to the cuffs. I honestly couldn't care less. Glenn's red Challenger appeared in front of us.

Finally. I was going to a place where I can feel safe.

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