Finding The Prison

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Setting: The prison, Season Three

Ever since the farm, we had been driving around, jumping from house to house, scavenging for supplies. Me and Daryl's relationship was steady, it hadn't gotten better or worse.

By this, I mean we hadn't tried anything yet, if you know what I mean. It wasn't like we had time to settle down.

Carl was growing up, fast. He was twelve years old and was a good shot.

Sophia was fourteen years old and could swing a machete like no one else could.

Lori had reached the climax of her pregnancy. She was going to pop any day now. Her and Rick weren't exactly on speaking terms after what happened with Shane.

Maggie and Glenn were as lovey-dovey as ever. She was always on his lap. It made me happy that they were happy.

Hershel had grown older and was rocking a pretty nice beard that made him look like Santa Claus.

Today, we found a nice house that wasn't cleaned out. We split up and looked around. We all found our share and Daryl hunted down an owl. Carl found a can of dog food, but Rick threw it in the fireplace.

I found a journal the other day. Not wanting to break the silence, I wrote Daryl a note and passed it to him.

Hey you.

He wrote back.

Carl and Rick's tension is killing me slowly.

He passed the journal to me. I let out a small laugh.

T-Dog turned to us and whistled. A small group of walkers were headed to the house. We scrambled back to the cars and drove some more.

Daryl drove his bike closer to mine.

"We should go hunting. We didn't get much food back there," He said. I nodded. I signaled everyone to stop.

"Daryl and I are going hunting. Stay here, we'll be back soon," I said and we ran off. I held up my bow and took down a squirrel.

"Nice," Daryl said. "Of course, it doesn't beat this!" He shot an arrow right through a passing possum. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get cocky, Dixon," I teased. A glint of silver caught my eye. I walked towards it. What I saw nearly made me die of happiness.

"Daryl!" I yelled. He came running and the corners of his mouth turned up.

It was a prison. Walkers had overrun it, be we could take it back. In happiness, I started singing "Heaven Is a Place On Earth" by Belinda Carlisle.

"Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? Ooh, heaven is a place on Earth!"  I sang and spun around.

Daryl looked at me with wide eyes. "I didn't know you could sing," He said.

"That's because I can't," I said modestly.

"You have lost the right to say that. You have an amazing voice."


We brought the group to the prison. Everyone looked at it in awe.

"How will we take out that many walkers?" Lori asked.

"We'll manage. Rick- you can run up there and shut the gate to prevent anymore from coming in. Carol and Glenn will cover you in those guard towers. Me, Daryl, T-Dog, and Maggie are fast, we'll take out the walkers. Lori, Carl, Sophia, Beth, and Hershel will stay in the gated area, drawing away the walkers. Sound like a plan?" I asked. Everyone nodded.

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now