Anything For Her

678 23 3

Setting: Atlanta, Season Five

*Daryl's POV*

I'm frozen. Nico screams and falls to the ground. 

I start running towards her, but this kid stops me.

"No, no, no!" he exclaims. "Wait, wait, wait!"

"Let go of me!" I yell. Two cops get out of the car and put Nico on a stretcher.

"Wait! They can help her!" the kid tells me. "They're the only ones who can. They have medicine, machines, a doctor. You go out there, you'll have to kill them, okay? And then she can't get their help, is that what you want? We can get her back. We can get Beth back."

They load Nico in their car and drive off.

I can't believe it. I lost her again, and just after I found her. 

"What's it gonna take?" I ask.

"A lot," the kid answers. "They got guns, people."

"So do we," I growl. I was not gonna let these assholes walk off with my wife. 


We return to the church. I learn the kid's name is Noah. I also learn that Bob died the night Nico and I left. 

To add on to that, Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, Tara, Glenn, and Maggie left for D.C. 

The rest of us at the church start building some protection around it. 

"It's a good thing you weren't here for it," Tyreese says.

"How's she holding up?" I ask and look at Sasha. She's angrily slamming her ax down on piles of wood.

I take some pipes from the organ and take them outside to serve as stakes.

"Are you gonna take the cross, too?" Gabriel asks me.

"If we need it," I answer. I overhear Rick and Michonne talking about going to Atlanta. 

"He wants to go back to Atlanta. I can't have that," I hear Rick say.

"Then you stay. I'll go," Michonne says. 

"I owe it to Nico," Rick says. 

"We all owe Nico," Michonne adds.

"I owe her more," Rick presses.

Soon, we're packing up for Atlanta. I hand Sebastian to Merle. 

"Guard him with your life," I say. 

"Don't you worry, li'l brother," Merle grins. "Under my protection, ain't nothin' gonna happen to him. Ain't that right, Seb?" Sebastian coos and wraps his small arms around Merle's neck. 

Harley walks over to me and hugs me.

"Bring her back. Bring them both back," she says. 

"I will," I promise. 

We leave with the absence of Carl, Michonne, Judith, and Gabriel.


*Nico's POV*

I wake up to the sound of a heart monitor beeping. My chest aches something awful.  I sit up in a hospital bed. I'm wearing a blue hospital gown with a large bandage across my chest.

A familiar blonde girl with a mop walks in. She gasps.

"Oh my God, Nico, you're okay!" Beth exclaims. She hugs me tightly. I look at the bandage on her wrist and the cuts on her face.

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now