I Will Find You

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Setting: Escaping the Prison, Season Four

*Nico's POV*

"No!" Rick screams and shoots the Governor's arm. Maggie screams and Beth starts crying. Blood fills Hershel's shirt as he falls over. 

This is it. 

"Light it up!" I scream and pull the trigger. We start shooting and they start shooting back. 

"Daddy!" Maggie screams and fires her gun. Rick falls behind the bus for cover. Tears are streaming down my face. 

The Governor and his men start to move in. The tank crashes right through the fences. 

"Fall back!" I yell. We all start to back away slowly. 

I'm no idiot. I know this is the end of the prison. In this world, nowhere is truly safe. 

"Nico, stay by my side!" Daryl yells. I nod and continue shooting. The tank fires a shell, taking out the catwalk. Maggie and Beth are running for the bus. Sasha and Bob are taking cover. 

The tank breaks through. Daryl cusses under his breath and pulls Carl and me over. 

"Listen, Carl, I need you to take Nico and get the hell outta here!" Daryl orders. 

"Hell no! I'm not leaving you!" I cry. 

"You have too!" Daryl yells. He kisses me and pulls me into a hug. "Run. Run and don't look back. I will find you. I swear on my life I will. You've got your crossbow and you won't be alone." 

More tears stream down my face as I look into the Georgia blue eyes for what could be the last time. I hand him my AK-47. 

"You'll need it," I sniff. Daryl nods and kisses my cheek. Carl takes my hand and we start running. 

"Carl, what about your dad, Judith?" I ask. His eyes are strong, but afraid. 

"They'll make it. My job is to keep you safe," he says. I nod. 

We run. Hand in hand. Away from the prison. Away from our home. From our family. 


We've been running through the forest for about two hours. We came across a few walkers, but we disposed of them easily. 

Well, Carl did. He doesn't want me taking any chances. 

"Look!" Carl exclaims. I see what makes him excited. A sign that says Green Boulevard. 

"Nice going, buddy! We could find a safe house here!" I smile and high-five him. We walk up the boulevard and find a house that seems pretty untouched. I hold my crossbow defensively and Carl holds up his handgun. He bangs his hand on the wall a few times. 

Nothing. This house is totally empty. We walk to the kitchen and rummage through the cabinets. 

"Jackpot!" Carl exclaims. "This place is loaded!" 

Suddenly, a wave of pain shoots through my body. I feel a sudden wetness pool in between my legs. 

"Carl!" I scream. He looks up in fright. 

"The baby's coming!" I yell. Carl drops his handgun and his hands go to his head. 

"Uhh, what do I do?!" he asks in a panic. 

"You're gonna have to help me!" I gasp and hunch over in pain. 

Carl shakes his head, "The last time I tried to help someone give birth, they died!" I lie down on the floor and take Carl's hand. 

"That won't happen. I'm gonna live," I say through clenched teeth. Carl bites his lip then nods. 

"I'm not gonna lie, this'll be awkward as hell," I say. I take off my leggings and underwear and lie in a good position. Carl is as red as a tomato. 

"I did practices on dummies in college. I can walk you through the steps," I take his hand. "I can tell I'm dilated. When the head comes out, pull, okay?" Carl nods. 

I take a deep breath and push. I scream as the process begins. 



"One last push, you can do it!" Carl encourages me. My face and hair are drenched with sweat. I clench my fists and give one last push. I scream in unbelievable agony, then a wave of relaxation. A baby's cry fills the air. Carl takes his knife and cuts the umbilical cord. I sit up and hold me and Daryl's child. 

Tears of joy wallow in my eyes. Never have I seen anything so beautiful. I check the sex. 

"It's a boy," I announce. "I'm gonna wash him off in the sink. I'll be right back." I put my clothes back on and walk to the kitchen sink. I take a washcloth and gently clean my child. I wrap him in a blue towel and carry him back to Carl. 

"What are you gonna name him?" he asks. I look at the color of my baby's eyes. They're Georgia blue, just like his father's. 

"Y'know," I start. "My favorite actor before the apocalypse was Sebastian Stan. Come to think of it, he had eyes just like this. I was thinking, does Sebastian Stan Dixon sound good? Seb for short." 

Carl rolls his eyes jokingly, "Sure, don't name the kid after the guy who helped you give birth." I swat him on the back of his head gently. 

"Welcome to the world, Sebastian," I whisper. "It's a screwed up place, but it's home." 


*Even More Later*

Carl and I found a ton of baby supplies, including diapers, a sling, and a pacifier. A pacifier will be helpful as hell, but Seb almost never cries. A sling is also good, it'll be easier to travel. 

Night was falling, so Carl and I decide to make ourselves some dinner from what we found in the shelves. 

So, our dinner is composed of some Dr. Pepper, cake in a tin, bread and strawberry jam. 

"This cake is actually pretty good," I say, shoving the treat into my mouth with my hands. Carl nods with a full mouth. He swallows and takes a swig of Dr. Pepper. 

"You gonna feed Seb?" he asks. I nod and leave the table. I pick up my son and carry him into another room and start breastfeeding him. 

I peek out the curtains to see a few walkers straggling across the street. I close the curtains and look into my sons eyes. They are the spitting image of Daryl's. 

I start to cry. Someone hugs me from behind. 

"You okay?" Carl asks softly. 

"Daryl promised he'd be here when the baby arrived," I cry. Carl hugs me tighter. 

"Let's get to bed," he whispers. "We'll try and find him soon." I nod. He takes me hand and leads me upstairs. 

Earlier, we both set up mattresses by a window. I hold my son in my arms and put him in a makeshift cradle. 

Thoughts of Daryl plague my mind as I fall into a deep sleep. 

A/N: This chapter is pretty short, so sorry about that! It's tough making a different path for the characters. 


1) Is Daryl alive?

2) Will Sebastian survive in this world?

3) Where are the rest of the group members?

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