Red Poncho

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Setting: Run, Season Five

*Daryl's POV*

Aaron and I have been on this run for the past few days. At the moment, we're tracking somebody. I have know idea who.

"Somebody came through here a while ago," I tell Aaron. 

"If we see them, we hang back, set up the mike, watch and listen," Aaron explains.

"For how long?" I ask. 

"Until we know," Aaron responds. "We have to know."

"You've sent people away?" I ask.

"Yeah," Aaron replies. 

"What happened?"

"It was early on. It was three people. Two men and a woman. Davidson was their leader. Smart as hell, strong. I thought they'd work out. They didn't. I brought them in and I had to see them out. So me, Aiden, and Nicholas, we drove them out far... gave them a day's worth of food and water and left them."

"They just went?"

"We had their guns. We had all the guns. I can't make that kind of mistake again."

Suddenly, we spot a man in a red poncho, rubbing dirt on his face.

"What's he doing?" Aaron asks. 

"Wild leeks," I explain. "Son of a bitch knows about how to keep mosquitoes off of him. Come on." 

We begin following the man in the red poncho.


We end up in front of a warehouse that says Del Arno Foods on it. It's surrounded by tons of walkers.

"We checked the forest, we checked the roads," Aaron says. "We can't find him. Sometimes they slip away. It happens. But... you don't come across something like this every day." 

"We do this now, it means we're giving up," I point out. 

"Home is fifty miles back," Aaron adds. "It's time to go. You saw it last night, there's bad people out there."

"That's why we ought to keep lookin' for the good ones," I say. 

"We need more people and we'll find them," Aaron promises. "But when we do, we'll need to feed them."

"Alright," I agree and clink my knife against the fence to attract the walkers. Sure enough, the walkers mindlessly shuffle over to us and we pick them off, one by one. Aaron slides the gate open. 

We make our way towards the warehouse. Trailer trucks are backed up against the walls; hopefully, they're stored with food. 

"Whoa," Aaron marvels. "Wasn't sure I'd ever see one of these." He starts to pry off a license plate, "Hey, listen. I don't like giving up either, but the guy is in a red poncho. You can see him from a mile away. We've got a lot of miles here. No sign of him. But... if we come away with a trailer full of cans, I'd say that's a good trip."

I bend down and open the trailer. 

A wire snaps and all the trailers open, revealing a hell of a lot of walkers. I must've triggered something when I opened the first one! 

Aaron and I break into a run. We're surrounded from all sides. I take my knife and plunge it into a walkers head. Aaron uses the license plate to kill the walkers. We roll under a trailer and try to think of a way out. 

An idea pops into my head. I grab a nearby chain, slip out from my hiding place, and use the chain to slice off three walkers' heads. A walker grabs Aaron and I take it out. We eventually fight our way into a car. 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now