Hungry Like the Wolf

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Setting: Alexandria, Season Five

*Nico's POV*

I look beyond the walls even after the group disappears. I notice Carl pushing Judith around in her stroller. I walk over to him. 

"Hey, your dad's gonna be fine," I say. 

Carl nods, "I know. I always get nervous, you know?"

"Just wait until you get a girlfriend," I laugh. I look at Carl, but his eyes are turned to Ron and Enid, who are sitting on a dock by the pond.

"She's cute," I point out. "Why don't you go talk to her." Carl's about to answer when Father Gabriel interrupts us.

"Carl?" he asks.

"What?" Carl snaps. 

"You heard what I told Deanna about your group," he says. 

"What do you want?" I snarl. 

"It was about me, not you or your group," Gabriel admits. "I know that now. I want to help. You tried to teach me back at my church. But I'm ready to learn now."

"I think you need to tell everybody," Carl says. 

"Yeah, I think you're right," Gabriel says.

"Come by around 3:00," Carl says. "We'll start with the machete." Gabriel walks away.

"So, about Enid--" I say but I stop when I see Ron wrap his arms around Enid. She seems a little hesitant, but hugs him back. 

Carl looks down. 

"Oh," I mutter. Enid looks at the two of us. I swear, there's a bit of regret in her eyes. 

"C'mon," Carl mutters and we go back to his house. I wave goodbye and go back to mine. Merle and Harley are sitting on the couch. I curl up in an armchair and bring my knees to my chest. 

"What's wrong, sugar?" Merle asks. 

"I don't know," I sigh. 

Outside, somebody screams. I run to the window and see a woman being chopped up by a man with a machete. 

"Shit," I mumble and start closing the curtains.

"What is it?" Harley asks. 

"Attackers," I whisper and lock the front door. "They seem to have a 'w' written on their foreheads. We need to kill 'em."

"How?" Merle asks.

"They don't have guns," I point out. "They're trying to get to the armory. We need to look like them and kill them off, one by one."

"I can stay with Seb," Merle offers. I nod. I grab a hood and a mask from a coat hanger and use black eyeliner to make a 'w' on my forehead. I grab my crossbow and look at the two.

"Wish me luck," I say and run out.

I crouch down and duck behind a tree. I have no idea what I just threw myself into. 

A person I've never seen before approaches me. 

"Hey, Lewitt!" he exclaims. "It's time for the Wolves to take over, doncha think?"

Apparently, this guy thinks my name is Lewitt.

"You bet your ass!" I say, trying to blend in. Suddenly, the man falls to the ground with a bullet hole in his head. 

A woman holds a gun up. A gun? I thought they didn't have guns!

The woman pulls her mask down, revealing herself to be Carol. I remove my mask as well.

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