Fitting In

521 23 12

Setting: Alexandria, Season Five

*Nico's POV*

"Hey, can you hand me those spark plugs?" James asks. 

"Yeah," I toss him the spark plugs and James rigs them into the car. He wipes some sweat off of his forehead. 

"I'll have Mr. Winchester pick his car up 3:00 P.M. today," he says. He walks over to his mini-fridge and pulls out two beer cans. He hands one to me and we both drink.

"Hey, you know Deanna's hosting a welcome party at her house tonight?" he says. "You gonna go?"

"I don't do parties," I mutter. "I don't dress up and I'm pretty socially awkward."

"It's not something formal," James says. "Just put on a skater dress or something and put on a little makeup." 

"Are you gonna be there?" I ask.

"Yeah," James smiles. "I have this really nice shirt I want to try out."

"All right, I'll go," I sigh. 

"Great!" James smiles. "I'll see you there!"


"Harley!" I yell when I get to my house. 

"What?" she yells back. 

"I'm going to a party and I need to look somewhat presentable!" I exclaim. Harley pops her head around the corner and drags me upstairs. She sits me in front of a mirror and looks at me. 

"Alright," she says. "I suggest we flatiron your hair, give you some jewelry, and do some eye makeup. Then, we'll find a dress that says 'Nico'." 

"Lord help me," I mutter as Harley starts working her magic. 

She flatirons my hair, gives me a fire opal necklace and an emerald bracelet, and gives me some smokey eye shadow. 

I look in the mirror, "I look... not hideous." 

"Not even close," Harley says. She goes to her closet and hands me a black skater dress. I go to the bathroom and put it on. 

Once we're finished, Harley and I walk downstairs. Merle catches my eye and whistles.

"Where are you going tonight?" he asks. 

"Party at Deanna's," I answer. 

"Let's go," Harley says. 

"Can I take Seb?" Merle asks. 

"Yeah," I respond and shoot him a look. "If you give him a drink of any kind, I will shoot you and sell your organs on the Black Market."


We arrive at Deanna's house, which is already pretty crowded. I turn to Merle and Harley. 

"You guys go socialize," I say. "I'm meeting someone here." The two nod and we go our separate ways.

"There she is!" a familiar voice exclaims. James walks up to me. His hair is slicked back and he's wearing a white shirt with a red star on the left sleeve. 

"You look gorgeous," he compliments me. 

"I feel so out of my comfort zone," I snicker. 

"What is your comfort zone?"

"In the woods, with my crossbow, getting as dirty as possible." 

James laughs and takes my hand, "I want to introduce you to some people." He brings me over to a family of four. I recognize the mom, Jessie.

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now