Thirty Days Without An Accident

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Setting: The Prison, Season Four

*Nico's POV*

Seven Months Later

Considering the world has been taken over by dead cannibals, life is pretty sweet for me. I have an amazing husband, a brother who kicks ass, and a sister who is always by my side. 

I'm eight months pregnant. Daryl is stupid overprotective of me. He never lets me go anywhere near the gate exit. Merle's tried to talk some sense into him, but he doesn't want to hear it. 

I wake up. The sun is shining through the window, the birds are chirping, and the walkers are snarling. I decide some breakfast would do me some good. 

I'm craving a hot dog dipped in chocolate.

Why the hell am I craving a hot dog dipped in chocolate? Pregnancy cravings are weird. I walk outside to Carol, who's cooking breakfast. 

"Outta the way, pregnant lady comin' through!" I joke. Everyone gives me friendly smiles. Carol grins at me. 

"You sound more like Daryl each day," she comments. Strong arms wrap around me suddenly. 

"You plannin' on gettin' food without me?" Daryl rasps. He receives lot's of 'hey's' and 'hellos' from the others. 

"No, but I think you're crushing your son," I tease. 

"Hey, who say's it's a boy? I think it's gonna be a girl," he argues. "Harley agrees with me."

"Well, Nico's got big brother Dixon on her side!" Merle exclaims from behind us. He walks up to me and pats my shoulder.  

Daryl looks over my shoulder to see what Carol's cooking, "Smells good."

"Just so you know, Nico and I liked you first," Carol teases. Me and Carol's new favorite hobby is to tease Daryl. 

"Stop," Daryl growls. 

"Excuse me," Merle interrupts. "I believe I liked Daryl first." Daryl scoffs and shoves some food into his mouth. I do the same. 

"You know, Rick brought in a lot of them, too," Daryl says. 

"Not recently," Carol points out. "Give the stranger sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're going to have to learn to live with the love."

"Nico's taught me plenty," he kisses the top of my head. I blush.

"Patrick, do you want to take over?" Carol calls to the young boy. He and Carl were good friends and they both looked at us four Dixons like idols. 

"Yes, ma'am!" Patrick exclaims. "Mr. Dixon?" Daryl stops in his tracks. I'd like to see where this is going. "I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday," Patrick gushes. "It was a real treat, sir, and I'd be honored to shake your hand." Patrick sticks out his hand. 

Daryl looks at it as if he's never seen a hand before. He licks his fingers and shakes Patrick's hand. 

"Oh, Daryl," I giggle quietly. Carol notices and laughs. 

"May I shake yours, too, Mrs. Dixon?" Patrick asks. My expression changes. Daryl looks smug. 

"Say what now?" I ask. Patrick smiles and sticks his hand out. I grin and shake his hand. I walk off with Daryl and Carol. 

The walkers by the fence growled relentlessly. Ever since we started bringing more people into the fold, walkers have been hunting us like Daryl hunts a deer. 

We'd have a group of people down there everyday to try and take most of them out. So far, it's been ineffective. 

"About today," Carol starts. "I don't know if we're gonna be able to spare a lot of people for the run."

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