You Just Need Time

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A/N: For the record, I'm skipping the part to where Noah goes back to Richmond. It will be glossed over but I'm not doing a full chapter on that episode.

Setting: On the Road, Season Five

*Nico's POV*

Thing's haven't really gotten any better since Beth died. Noah went back to Richmond with Rick, Michonne, Tyreese, and Glenn.

Tyreese was bit and died before they returned. Sasha is absolutely isolated. Daryl won't speak to me. 

Eugene lied. He doesn't know what caused the outbreak and he doesn't know the cure. I nearly knocked his teeth out when I found out. 

Noah and I have become close friends. He's actually a pretty funny guy. He reminds me of Bob, always looking on the bright side. 

Maggie's been a crying mess ever since Beth died. Not even Glenn can get through to her, but who can blame her? She lost the last member of her family. I've been there. 

The van we've been travelling sputters and comes to a stop.

"We're out," Abraham points out. "Just like the other one."

"So we walk," Rick says. Is he nuts? It's, like, a hundred degrees outside! I balance Sebastian on my hip and step out of the van. We start our long, grueling walk. 

"We're not at our strongest," Rick says and looks behind us to see a small group of walkers maybe half a kilometer away.

"We'll get 'em when it's best," I say. Daryl grunts and looks away from me.

Did I do something? I get he got close to Beth and he cares about her a lot, but ca he not take out on me, please?

"It's been three weeks since Atlanta," I say. "I know you lost something back there." Sebastian fusses in my arms.

"He's hungry," Daryl points out. Now he's changing the subject? 

"He's fine," I snap and join Harley and Merle. Daryl starts chatting with Rick. 

"Don't worry," Merle says. "He was just like this when our Ma died. Give him time, he'll come 'round." 

Harley holds out her hands, "I'll take Seb. You go talk to your man."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"I'm good with babies, trust me," Harley grins. I hand Seb to her and rejoin Daryl and Rick. 

"I'm gonna head out, see what I can find," Daryl says when I arrive.

"Hey, don't be too long," Rick says.

"I'll go with you," I say. 

"I got it," Daryl mutters.

"You gonna stop me?" I ask. I follow him into the woods. We scrounge around for a while.

"Anything?" I ask. 

"No, it's too dry," Daryl points out. "There ain't nothin' here."

"Maybe we should start back," I suggest. 

"You go," Daryl grunts. He needs to talk about Beth, it's killing him inside.

"I think she saved my life," I say. "She saved your life, too, right?" I walk over to him and hand him a knife.

"It was hers," I say. He takes the knife and looks it over. 

"We're not dead," I point out. "That's what you said. You're not dead. I know you. We're different. I can't let myself-- But you... I know you. You have to let yourself feel it." I move his hair away from his eyes and kiss his forehead. 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now