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Setting: The Prison, Season Four

*Nico's POV*

"You found them like this?" Rick asks. Tyreese nods. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Karen and David are dead. Someone killed them and then cremated them. I turn around and look at Carol. She doesn't meet my gaze. Her face says it all. She didn't kill Merle and, instead, went after Karen and David. 

Tyreese turns on his feet, "I came to see Karen and I saw blood on the floor. Then, I smelled them." His face contorts in anger.

"Somebody dragged them out here and set 'em on fire!" he shouts. "They killed 'em and set 'em on fire!" 

Tyreese advances on Rick, "You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me! You understand? You bring 'em to me!"

"We'll find out who--" Daryl starts and places a hand on Tyreese's shoulder. Tyreese shoves him away. 

"I need to say it again?" Tyreese snarls. 

"No. No," Rick assures. "I know what you're feeling. I've been there. You saw me there. It's dangerous."

"Karen didn't deserve this!"


"David didn't deserve it! Nobody does!"

"All right, man, let's--" Daryl tries to advance on Tyreese again. Tyreese retaliates and shoves Daryl against the wall. 

"Man, I ain't going nowhere until I find out who did this!" Tyreese yells. I try to walk up to Tyreese but Daryl motions me to stay back. 

"We're on the same side, man," Daryl says gently. Jesus, if this happened back when I first met the group, Daryl would've probably broken some of Tyreese's bones by now. 

"Hey, look," Rick starts and walks up slowly. "I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down."

Goddammit, Rick. 

Tyreese lets Daryl go and pushes Rick a few feet back.

"You need to step the hell back!" he snarls. 

"She wouldn't want you being like this," Rick says somewhat cockily. Tyreese hook-punches him right across his left cheek. 

"Stop!" Stop!" Carol yells. I try to help out but Carol keeps me back, "Nico, think of the baby!" 

Tyreese ignores Carol's pleas and punches Rick again. Daryl jumps on Tyreese. My heart starts beating a thousand times a second. 

"Tha's enough," Daryl pants. Carol helps Rick up. Then, he clocks Tyreese in the face. 

"Control your testosterone, boys!" I try to get their attention. They ignore me. Typical. Rick proceeds to beat Tyreese down. If this keeps going on, someone is going to get killed; but thanks to the damn baby in my uterus, I can't do jack. 

Rick is straddling Tyreese, throwing punch after punch. 

"Rick!" Daryl yells. "Stop!" He jumps on Rick and pulls him away. 

"Let go of me!" the former sheriff yells. 


"Let go of me!"


Rick angrily pushes Daryl away. Carol is in shock. Tyreese is sobbing on the ground.   


"It's spreading," Hershel tells the council. "Everyone who survived the attack in Cell Block D. Sasha, Caleb, Merle, and now others."

"Oh, Jesus," Daryl groans. 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now