Welcome to the Hilltop

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Setting: The Hilltop, Season Six

*Daryl's POV*

We make our way up a dirt pathway, with Jesus in the lead. 

"Stop right there," a man on the wall says. Our weapons go up in an instant. 

"Whoa," Jesus says.

"You gonna make us?" I taunt. 

"Jesus, what the hell is this?" the man asks. 

"Open the gates, Cal," Jesus orders. "Freddie's hurt." He turns to us, "Look, I'm sorry about these guys. They get antsy standing up there all day doing nothing."

"They give up the weapons," the other man says. "Then we'll open the gates." Yeah, right. Like I'm about to give up my weapon. I already lost my crossbow, I ain't losin' this gun. 

"Why don't you come down here and get 'em?" I snarl. Nico gives me a warning look. 

"Gentlemen, look, we vouch for these people, alright?" Dr. Harlan Carson says. "They saved us out there."

"Lower the spears," Jesus demands in an exasperated tone. Oh Lord, these idiots think they can take us down with spears. This is almost too funny.

"Look, I'm not taking any chances," Rick says. "Tell your guy Gregory to come out here.

"No," Jesus argues. "Don't you see what just happened? I'm letting you keep your guns."

Nico clears her throat.

"And crossbow," Jesus sighs. "Look, we ran out of ammo months ago. I like you people. I trust you. Trust us."

Rick waves his hand and Jesus turns to the men on the wall.

"Open the gates, Cal," Jesus orders. The gates squeak open, revealing some stands, trailers with solar panels, and crops. In the middle of it all is a giant mansion. 

"There was a materials yard for a power company nearby," Jesus explains. "That's how we put up the walls. A lot of people came from a FEMA camp. Trailers came with them."

"How did people find out about this place?" Michonne asks. 

Jesus gestures to the mansion, "That's called Barrington House. The family that owned it gave it to the state in the '30s. The state turned it into a living history museum. Every elementary school for fifty miles used to come here for field trips. The place was running a long time before the modern world built up around it. I think people came here because they figured it'd keep running after the modern world broke down. Those windows up there let us see for miles in every direction. It's perfect for security. Come on. I'll show you inside."

We follow Jesus into the Barrington House. It's pretty damn majestic. 

"Good gracious, Ignatius," Abraham marvels. 

"Most of the rooms have been converted into living spaces," Jesus says. "Even the ones that weren't bedrooms."

"People live here and the trailers?" Rick asks. 

"We plan to build," Jesus says. "There's babies being born."

A door opens, revealing an elderly man.

"Jesus," he smiles. "You're back. With guests."

"Everyone, this is Gregory," Jesus introduces him. "He keeps the trains running on time around here."

"I'm the boss," Gregory says. 

"Well, I'm Rick," Rick pipes up. "We have a community--"

"Why don't y'all get cleaned up, hmm?" Gregory interrupts. 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now