Home Sweet Camp (Edited)

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Setting: The quarry. Season One

I could hear Glenn whooping loudly. He must've been really happy to have such a nice car. I looked at Rick. His eyes were focused on the road, but it was clear that his mind was focused on something else. "What's up?" I asked him.

"I've been thinking about my wife, Lori, and my son, Carl. I'm just wondering if I'll ever see theme again," He answered without taking his eyes off the road.

We came to a small hill. Glenn's car zoomed ahead. I heard him stop. I heard people yelling over the alarm. Soon, we pulled into a campsite by a quarry. Morales hopped out. A woman and children ran into his arms. That must be his family.

When Andrea came out, a beautiful young blonde leapt into her arms. "Andrea! You're ok!" She sniveled.

A buff guy walked up to Morales. "How did you get out?!" The guy had curly black hair and a silver chain with the number 22 on it. He seemed nice enough.

"New guys. This chick here, she took on Merle! And this other guy. He was a cop like you! Come on out Helicopter Boy!" Morales exclaimed.  Rick came out of the truck.

A young boy who looked at least ten years old looked our way. His eyes lit up when he saw Rick.

"DAD!!" He screamed and ran into his arms. A brunette woman ran behind him. I covered my mouth with my hands. Rick found them. He found his family. Rick held his son and his wife. The woman didn't even move. She seemed too spellbound.

"How are you alive?!" The woman yelled. "Shane told us you died!"

"He had every reason to believe that. And I would be dead if it wasn't for Nico here," He said and put an arm around me. The woman and her son looked at me with gratitude.

"I'm Lori Grimes, Rick's wife. I thank you from the bottom of my heart," She said.

The little boy ran to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Lori chuckled. "The boy that's probably crushing you to death is our son, Carl." Carl let go of me and looked at me with big blue eyes. "Thank you for bringing my daddy home," He said.

I heard a voice. A voice I had been longing to hear since I left home.

"NICO!" It called. I turned around to see a tall man with brown hair run towards me. Collin. My brother.

"COLLIN!" I screamed and ran into his arms. I held him like a baby monkey clings to it's mother. He put me down. "Nico, I am so sorry I left! I should have waited for you but the walkers overran us! After Hayden disappeared, I just..."

"I understand, Collin. I'm not mad. I am, however, pissed off at something," I said.


"These woods! They're perfect for hunting! I wish I had the bow you made for me!"

"Oh! That reminds me! I got you something! Better than a bow!" He said and ran into the RV. I decided to take this time to get to know everyone. Shane Walsh was strong and brave. But there was something about him I didn't trust. Amy was Andrea's sister; she was so sweet. Carol Peletier was a sweet woman, but scared. Her daughter, Sophia, was good friends with Carl. Ed, Carol's husband, was an asshole from the moment I looked at him. Dale was kind and funny. He was basically the moral of the group. Jacqui was a sweet and caring woman. Jim was Dale's right hand man.

Collin came out of the RV with the most beautiful thing I ever saw. A black crossbow with pink and purple patches on it. I grabbed it and kissed it. Don't ask. I'm a weapons freak.

"Seriously people, who does she remind you of?" Glenn exclaimed. Dale hit his forehead.

"Of course! She is exactly like Daryl! Heck, she even looks like him!"

"Alright, this Daryl better be sexy as heck or I'll take that as an insult!" I said.

It was like I set off a giggle bomb. Carl and Sophia were giggling and whispering to each other. Collin grabbed from behind. "Oh, my dear sister. I know the kind of men you're interested in. You will fall head over heels for Daryl Dixon." Wait. Hold the phone. Dixon?! "By any chance is he related to Merle Dixon?" I asked. T-Dog looked at the ground.

"Yeah. They're brothers. Come to think of it, where is Merle?" Dale asked. No one said a word.

"Oh my God, guys. Where the hell is Merle?" Collin repeated Dale's question.

"Merle is kinda, maybe, sorta handcuffed to a roof in Atlanta," I squeaked.

Shane ran his fingers through his hair, "Oh shit. Daryl is going to be pissed! "

"Where is Daryl anyway?" Glenn asked.

"He's been on a hunting trip for the past day. He should be home soon," Dale said.

Finally, I might meet this popular Daryl. I hopped into a tent with Collin.

"Hey Collin?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah?" He said.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Nico. Get some rest." And with that, he turned off our lantern, and I fell into the most peaceful sleep I had days.  

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