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Setting: Hershel's Farm, Season Two

We brought the Cherokee Rose to Carol. She was very grateful. It was good to see a smile on her face again. Rick and Shane wanted to make the search more organized.

"I'm going to borrow a horse and head up to this ridge right here. Get a bird's eye view of the whole grid. If she's up there I'll spot her," Daryl announced.

"Good idea. Maybe you'll see your chupacabra up there, too," T-Dog joked.

"Chupacabra?" Rick asked.

" You never heard that story? First night in camp, Daryl tell us the whole thing reminds him of the time he went squirrel hunting and he saw a chupacabra," Dale laughed. So did Beth's boyfriend, Jimmy.

"What are you braying at, jackass?" Daryl snapped.

"So, you believe in a bloodsucking dog?" Jimmy snickered.

"You believe in dead people waling around?" Daryl countered. Jimmy fell silent. He then reached for a gun.

"You ever fire one before?" Rick asked, stopping him.

"Well, if I'm going out I want one," Jimmy said.

"Yeah, and people in hell want Slurpees," Daryl sniggered. I laughed at that one. Daryl saddled up a horse and disappeared.

"I'm gonna check out the other half of the grid. Maybe she went farther than expected," I suggested.

"What kind of a dumbass idea is that?" Shane spat. I guess he was still sore about me and Daryl.

"Here's an idea, Shane: make yourself useful and teach those who don't know how to shot. You are a licensed instructor. I, on the other hand, am going to look for that little girl. And nothing you can say is going to stop me!" I spat.

I tossed my crossbow over my shoulder and entered the over half of the woods. I searched and searched.

"Sophia?? Its Nico! If you're there, come on out! No one's gonna hurt you!" I called. I heard a rustle in the trees.

"Sophia? Honey?" I called softly. "Its ok- you can come out. I'm trying to help you!"

Well it wasn't Sophia. Just a small herd of walkers. About a dozen. I whipped out my crossbow and shot three of them down. I took my machete out of the holster and sliced all of their heads. Blood was splattered all over me. There wasn't a part of me that wasn't red with the blood of my enemies.

Wow. Real positive there, Nico. Keep up the shitty work. Suddenly, I was pushed up against the tree.

"Ack!" I gasped as a hand tightened around my neck. I looked up to see Officer Creepy.

"Shane?! What are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting my piece of the sexy pie," He rasped. Oh HELL no!

"Shane, get off me! You're a decent guy; don't do this!" I yelled. His hands travelled down my thighs.

"I could do more than that dumbass redneck ever could," He snarled.

"HELP-" I tried to scream but he cut me off by kissing me roughly.

"Get off her!" A tiny voice yelled and pulled Shane off me. I kneed him in the nuts and he doubled over. I took the back of my crossbow and hit him, knocking him out cold. I looked at my savior and gasped.

"Sophia?!" I gasped. She ran into my arms.

"Oh my God, how are you alive?!" I asked.

"Before you came, Daryl taught me a thing or two," She said smugly.

"Everyone will be so happy to see you! We're staying at a man's farm with his family! C'mon!" I said excitedly. I put the unconscious Shane over my shoulder as we mad our way back.

We reached the farm. Glenn was on watch. When we approached the RV, Glenn's eyes widened.

"HOLY CRAP ON TOAST! Guys! Nico found her! Nico found Sophia!" He yelled.

Everyone came rushing out. Carol nearly fainted.

"Oh, my baby!" She cried and wrapped her arms around her daughter.

"Mommy!" Sophia cried. Carl ran out of the house and threw his arms around his best friend. Carl noticed Shane on my shoulders.

"What happened to Shane?" He asked. Anger sparked inside me.

"This son of a bitch tried to rape me! He would have if Sophia hadn't saved my butt!" I vented, not caring that I had cussed in front of the kids.

Lori gasped. "No. No, no, no. Shane wouldn't do that! He respected you!"

"Its true! He was kissing her and everything!" Sophia defended me.

Suddenly, Andrea screamed. "Walker! Walker!"

"Just the one?" Rick pressed.

"I bet I can nail it from here!" Andrea boasted.

"You best let us handle this!" Rick exclaimed as me, him, and Glenn ran to the walker. I held my crossbow up and almost pulled the trigger.

It wasn't a walker.

Just a blood-soaked Daryl.

"Is that Daryl?" Glenn asked.

Daryl glared at Rick. "That's the third time you're pointing that thing at my head. You gonna pull the trigger or what?"

Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot and Daryl fell to the ground.

"No! NOOOOO!" I screamed.

"I was kidding..." Daryl mumbled and passed out. Rick and I put him over our shoulders.

"What the hell? Look! He's wearing ears!" Glenn yelled and pointed to a string of walker ears wrapped around Daryl's neck.

"Lets keep that to ourselves!" Rick said.

Andrea came running down the field. "Oh my God, is he dead?"

"No, the bullet just grazed him," Rick said calmly.

How the hell were they so calm about this! "No thanks to you, Andrea! When Rick says 'leave it to us', YOU LEAVE IT TO US! You don't go off goddamn shooting everyone who looks like a walker! So how about you resume chores and leave the protection of the camp to those who can distinguish a walker from a human!" I screamed.

Andrea looked taken aback. "Listen, there was glare through the scope, I couldn't tell-"

"Yeah, I'm callin' bullshit!" I yelled and dragged Daryl into Hershel's house.

"What happened?" Hershel gasped.

"Some idiot shot him. He was only grazed though," I stated.

"Hmm. It seems like he took an arrow to his waist. There's a wound, but nothing too serious. I can patch him up and have him on his feet in no time," Hershel said. I sighed in relief.

Sophia was safe. Daryl was gonna be ok.

But what the hell am I supposed to do about Shane?



A/N So Sophia is alive! I cried when she died so I changed it up!



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