Mission For Meds

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Setting: Meds Run, Season Four

*Daryl's POV*

"This is Turner Creek," Michonne says. "So Barnesville must be a few miles downstream."

"Sounds like our best chance of finding a new ride," Bob points out. 

"Yo, Ty!" I call to Tyreese, who's washing his shirt in the creek. "Come on, let's go. Vamanos." Michonne and I walk off while Bob talks to Ty. 

The two men eventually catch up. The trail is rocky and dusty. Most of the dust ends up in my eyes, making me feel like somebody who lived during the Dust Bowl. 

Something on the trail catches my eye. I bend down and pick it up. It's a shiny green Jasper rock. I lick my fingers and shine it a bit. 

"Is that Jasper?" Michonne asks. 

"Mm-hmm," I confirm. 

"It's a good color. Brings out your eyes," she teases. I give her a look and she smiles. What is it with women and making fun of me?! 

"When Miss Richards went into A block, we were leaving," I start. "Asked me to keep a lookout. I'm gonna use it for her old man's marker."

"You know all of 'em back there?" Michonne asks. 

"You stay in one place more than a couple hours, you'd be surprised what you pick up," I explain and start walking, tossing the Jasper from one hand to another. 


We keep walking until we find a gas station. Well, that's just dumb luck right there. I notice something in the bushes that now surround the building. 

"You see something?" Bob asks me. 

"I don't know. Maybe," I respond. I open a door to a car and search inside. Tyreese and Bob pull the leaves off the front. I start to hot-wire the vehicle. I scrape the wires against themselves, but no dice. I sigh in defeat and throw the wires aside. 

I exit the car in a huff, "We gotta find us a new battery." I shut the door and peer through the gas station window. I spit in my hand and try to rub the grime away. There's a growl and a walker slams itself against the window. 

"Got some friends inside," I grunt. "Come on. Let's clear a path, see how many we got."

We start pulling away at the shrubbery. Tyreese, Bob, and Michonne use their melee weapons to slice the branches. I notice Tyreese is being a little harsh. 

"Hey, man, go easy," I tell him. "We don't know what we're dealing with." He ignores me and continues to slash at the branches viciously. He breaks the zip ties that were holding the door shut. 

Suddenly, a walker snarls and grabs my chest through the leaves. Michonne slices it's arm off. A walker attacks Bob and he lets out a yell. I kill the walker that attacked me, while Michonne takes care of the others. Tyreese keeps pulling the walkers out.

"Tyreese!" Bob exclaims. 

"Ty!" I attempt to get his attention. 

"Ty, let him go!" Michonne commands. Tyreese ignores us all and continues pulling the walker out. He's going to get himself killed! 

He pulls the walker shot out and it lands on his chest. I pull it off him and Bob shoots it in the head, silencing it's growls for good. I grab Tyreese's arm and help him up. 

"Why the hell didn't you let go?" Michonne asks in shock. Tyreese doesn't answer. 


The door creaks as we walk into the gas station. My crossbow is fully loaded and ready to kill anything that threatens me or my family. I shine my flashlight around the place, looking for a car battery. 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now