I Knew I'd Find You

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Setting: The House, Season Four

*Nico's POV*

"Sebastian is really cute," Carl gushes as he holds my son. I smile. Carl and I have really bonded after I told him my backstory. 

Carl gives my child to me and we start downstairs for breakfast. While Carl prepared some cereal, I went into the living room to breastfeed Seb. 

Once he's finished, I take a good look at him. With the Georgia blue eyes and the sandy brown hair, there is not mistake this is Daryl's son. Hell, he even has the Dixon smirk. 

"Crap!" Carl exclaims from the other room. I walk into the kitchen to see Carl holding his left ankle. 

"I took a swift turn and I think I rolled it," he admits. 

"Can you walk on it?" I ask. Carl slowly puts his left foot down and winces. 

"I'll carry you to the couch and we'll put some ice on it," I say. 

"You can't carry me. I'm practically your height," he scoffs. I roll my tongue and put Sebastian down. I walk over to Carl and pick him up bridal style. I carry him over to the couch and put him down. 

"You were saying?" I smirk. Never underestimate the power of someone who's 5'1. 

"Okay, you win," Carl rolls his eyes. 


After about an hour, Carl was back on his feet. We were chilling upstairs; Carl found a camera and was taking pictures of everything.

As I held a sleeping Sebastian, I stole a look out the window. I did a double-take and saw two human-like figures about half a mile up the street. 

"Carl!" I hiss. "Take Sebastian and get down!" Carl's eyes widen, but he obeys. I grab a pair of binoculars and look through the window. 

I can make out the humanoid figures. I smile widely. 

It's Rick and Michonne. 

I start laughing. Carl gives me a look. 

"It's your dad and Michonne!" I say. Carl's eyes light up. I put Sebastian in his sling and we start running outside. 

"Rick! Michonne!" I scream. 

"Dad!" Carl yells. Rick and Michonne pause and start running to us. 

"Carl! Nico!" Rick cries. Carl jumps into Rick's arms while Michonne gives me a heartfelt hug. She looks down and her eyes widen. 

"Oh my goodness, Nico, you had the baby!" she exclaims. Rick kisses my head. 

"Carl helped me," I say and put an arm around the youngest Grimes. Rick tousles his son's hair. 

"Where have you two been?" Carl asks.

"We were in a house, but some men came in. I was forced to kill one of them," Rick admits. 

"We've got a house of our own, it's pretty secure," I say. Rick nods and we lead the two to our house. 

"Wow," Michonne says in awe. "You guys are pretty lucky." 

"Come on," Carl says. "We'll get some mattresses for you. 


Rick, Carl, and Michonne were sleeping. Finally. I take out a piece of paper and a pencil and start writing my note. 

Carl, Rick, and Michonne-

                  By the time you read this, I'll be long gone. It's nothing personal, I just need to find Daryl. Sebastian doesn't deserve to grow up without his father. Please, don't risk your lives looking for me. Live a little longer. 

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