Goodnight, Love

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Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

It was a new day at the prison. We were wandering around the yard.

"Where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use some help," Carol asked.

"Up in the guard tower," Daryl said.

"Guard tower? They were there last night!" Rick exclaimed. We walked to the tower. Daryl raised his chin and shielded the sun from his Georgia blue eyes.

"Glenn! Maggie!" He called. Glenn walked out of the tower, shirtless and zipping up his jeans.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Glenn yelled back. We all started laughing and snickering.

"You coming?" Daryl yelled. Wait. Did he just...?

"Was that a pun?!" I laughed.

"Yeah, and it was a damn good one too!" He responded.

"What?" Glenn yelled, obviously he didn't hear Daryl.

"You comin'?" Daryl yelled again, attempting to keep a straight face, but failing miserably. I was on my knees laughing. Glenn looked at Maggie, who was pulling a shirt on.

"Come on, we could use a hand," Daryl laughed, finally breaking. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't breathe. I wish moments like this could last forever. Glenn's eyes widened as understood the joke.

"Yeah, we'll be right down," Glenn said, his face a deep crimson shade.

"So gross," I heard Maggie mutter. I wiped the tears from my eyes and leaned on Daryl's shoulder. T-Dog's smile turned to a frown.

"What the hell?," He muttered and pointed to the east fence. Axel and Oscar were coming our way.

"Are you kidding me? Did they not hear the deal?" I said exasperatingly. We walked over to the inmates.

"Hey! What did we tell you?" Daryl snapped.

"Man, we can't stay in there!" Axel cried. "Theirs ghosts!"

"Didn't you burn the bodies?" T-Dog asked.

"Tried. Every time we threw one out, them biters just come runnin'," Oscar explained.

"We want to be a part of this group! Please! We can do our part!" Axel pleaded. T-Dog actually seemed convinced. Rick pulled us over.

"Man, what would it hurt? They seem decent!" T-Dog tried to reason with Rick.

"Are you serious? You want them living in a cell next to you? They'll just be waiting for a chance to grab our weapons. You want to go back to sleeping with one eye open?" Rick hissed.

"I never stopped. Bring them into the fold. If we send them off packing, we might as well execute them ourselves," T-Dog retorted.

"I don't know. Axel seems a little unstable," Glenn pointed out.

"After all we've been through? We've fought so hard for all this, what if they decide to take it?" Carol added.

"It's just been us for so long. They're strangers, I don't - it feels weird all of a sudden to have these other people around," Maggie admitted.

"You brought us in," T-Dog pointed out.

"Yeah, but you turned out with a shot boy in your arms. Didn't give us a choice," Maggie said back.

"They can't even kill walkers," Glenn sighed.

"They're convicts, bottom line!" Carol exclaimed. I understood how she felt. If I had a kid, I wouldn't want them around these kind of people.

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