I Miss You

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Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

We drive for a while until we come to a part in the road that's blocked by a branch and a red pickup truck.

We step out and Rick and Glenn look for a way through. Glenn opens the pickup truck's door and a walker snarls at him. He pulls it out and stomps his head in. I've never seen Glenn this angry before.

"You didn't kill him," Glenn says to Rick.

"That's not why we went back," Rick says.

"No," Glenn scoffs. "That's right, you went back for Daryl and now he's gone again and the Governor is still alive!"

"Daryl was the priority," Rick says.

"I should've been there with you!" Glenn snaps.

"You were in no condition!" Rick exclaims.

"But my girlfriend was?" Glenn yells.

"This isn't about us!" Maggie says.

Glenn ignores Maggie. "I should've been there!"

"Hey!" Rick shouts. "You didn't come back with us because you could barely walk!"

"What about her?" Glenn points to Maggie.

"This isn't about me!" Maggie yells again.

"Do you know what he did to her?!" Glenn screams.

"Leave it alone!" Maggie screams. I'm so sick of this!

"Will you two pull your heads out of your asses already?" I yell at Rick and Glenn. Glenn scoffs at me.

"You should talk, Nico," he mocks. "While Maggie was getting abused, you got all buddy-buddy with Merle Dixon!"

"He's Daryl's brother!" I yell.

"There's your problem! All you care about is Daryl! If it came down to the group and Daryl, I think we all know who you'd choose!" Glenn snaps.

That's it. I walk up to Glenn and punch him square in the nose.

"How dare you!" I scream at him. "I stayed, didn't I? I didn't go with Daryl! I could have, but I didn't!" I walk to Maggie and stand beside her in anguish.

"After all we've been through, after all that effort, Daryl just takes off with Merle!" Glenn says to Rick.

"He had his reasons," Rick reasoned.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Rick!" Glenn scoffs. "It doesn't change the fact that we're up to our necks in shit!"

"Do you want me to turn the car around, beg him to come back?" Rick asked exasperatedly. "Throw down a welcome mat for Merle?"

"Let's just get back!" Maggie pleaded. "We'll talk it out then and Nico needs to get to my dad!"

Glenn threw his arms up. "You guys can talk all you want. I'm done."

Maggie and Rick push the pickup truck out of the way. We get back in the car and continue our drive home.


We pull up to the prison. Carl and Carol let us in.

Telling Carol Daryl's gone is going to be difficult.

"Thank God," Rick mutters and pulls his son into a big hug. "Where's Hershel?"

"He's in the cell block," Carl says. His eyes light up when he sees me. "Oh my God! You're okay!" He runs up to me and hugs me. I plant a kiss on his head.

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now