Walkers In The Barn

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Setting: Hershel's Farm, Season Two

Daryl had been healing well. We managed to move him from the farmhouse and into his tent.

I was sitting next to him as he rested. Andrea walked into the tent. She and I had not been on very good terms ever since she shot my Dixon.

"Daryl- I want you to know that I feel terrible," She said.

"Yeah, can't say I blame ya," He said without opening his eyes. That's my boy.

"I brought you this," She handed him a book.

He flipped through it. "What, no pictures?" He joked.

Andrea turned to leave but Daryl stopped her. "Hey. You shoot me again, you best pray I'm dead," He said. She walked out of the tent.

I put my head down to his level and pecked his lips.

"Stupid tease," He growled and placed soft but passionate kisses up and down my neck. I tried to cover my mouth to muffle the moans, but Daryl grabbed it. His lips found their way to mine. He broke away.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," He responded.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"'Bout as good as I look," He grumbled.

"THIS MAN IS FULLY CURED!" I yelled and we laughed.


It had been about a week later and Daryl was finally up on his feet again. We were enjoying breakfast by the campfire. I noticed Glenn looked a little iffy.

He stood up. "So guys, the barn's full of walkers," He stuttered.

Ok, what. Shane and Lori started arguing. It was too much for me. I ran into the woods and decided to hunt. I ended up sitting on a rock, thinking about my best friend before this whole thing started.

Flashback Starts

"Oh come on! You're telling me you don't like any of the boys at school?" Hayden laughed.

"That's what I'm telling you!" I said and took a swat and his hair which was all sticky-uppy.

"Seriously. You don't like Brett?" He asked.

"Too jocky."


"Too emo."


"Uhh, he's a total fuckboy! I prefer the tough and rugged guys. Someone who could match my interests. Y'know, hunting and tracking. Someone who isn't grossed out easily. Someone who'd get angry when I did something stupid."

"Why would you want that?"

"It would mean that he cared."

"I care about you."

I smiled at my best friend. "I know, Hayden. I care about you too."

(A couple months into the apocalypse)

"Hayden! Collin! God, hurry up!" I screamed as I ran. We were being separated. A herd had come between us. We were on an interstate by a woods. Suddenly, Hayden screamed. He ran into the woods and disappeared.

"Hayden! No!" I yelled.

Flashback Over

I shot my head up. Holy crap. Now I know why Sophia going missing felt so different.

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now