Faith Ain't Done Shit For Us

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A/N: Who's ready for an entire chapter in Daryl's POV?

Setting: Escaping the Prison, Season Four

*Daryl's POV*

"We gotta go, Beth," I tell the blonde. "We gotta go." Beth nods and we start running for the woods. 

We're running, sweating, and panting. Beth is doing her best to keep up with me. Walkers are chasing us. I'm not sure what to do, or where we're running to. 

All I know is, my responsibility is to keep Beth safe. 

Huh, another blonde girl I need to take care of. Maybe this is my chance at redemption, after Sophia. A walker approaches Beth. She tries shooting it, but I take it down with my crossbow. 

We keep running. We run into a clearing. Beth is obviously scared to death. Beth falls to the ground in exhaustion and I fall besides her. Hawks circle above us. 

This is going to be difficult. 


Crickets chirp in the night. Beth and I are sitting around a fire, an awkward silence wafting between us. 

"We should do something," she finally says. When I don't respond, she looks up at me. 

"We should do something," she repeats sternly. I still say nothing. My thoughts are filled with Nico, Merle, Harley, and my unborn child. 

Oh shit. What if the baby's already here? I promised her I'd be there! 

"We aren't the only survivors," Beth interrupts my thoughts. "We can't be. Rick, Michonne, they could be out here! Maggie and Glenn could've made it out of A block. Carl and Nico could've found a safe place! They could've!"

The fire crackling is the only thing that replies to Beth. 

"You're a tracker! You can track!" she exclaims. "Come on! The sun'll be up soon, if we head out now, we can... fine. If you won't track, I will!" She pulls a knife from the ground and stalks off. 


Seeing as I have no choice, I stand up, stomp the fire out, pick up my crossbow, and follow her.

I follow her until the sun rises. Birds are screeching; it annoys the hell outta me. 

I notice something in the ground. I mess around with the leaves for a bit. I give them a blow to reveal a footprint. 

"Could be Luke's," Beth suggests. "Or Molly's. Whoever they are, it means they're alive."

"Nah," I scoff. "This means they were alive four or five hours ago."

"They're alive," Beth snaps. She walks off again. 

We follow the tracks until we reach some grapevines. I notice some crushed grapes lying in the dirt. 

"They picked up the pace right here," I point out. "Got out in a hurry. Things went bad."

"Wouldn't kill you to have a little faith," Beth mutters. 

"Yeah, faith," I snort. "Faith ain't done shit for us. Sure as hell didn't do nothing for your father." I regret my words the moment I say them. She whips around and looks at me with contempt. 

Beth turns to a grapevine and starts pulling at the fruit, "They'll be hungry when we find them." I pull out my bandanna and hand it to her. She takes it and puts the grapes in it. 

We start tracking once more. We find two dead walkers lying on the ground. I notice some blood on the leaves besides them. 

"What?" Beth asks. 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now