Stay A Golden Boy

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Setting: The House, Season Four

*Nico's POV*

I blink my eyes open. Blinding daylight plummets through the windows. Carl's not in the room; I expect he's downstairs. 

Sebastian whines. I pick him up out of his crib and start to breastfeed him. Once, he's fed, I walk downstairs. 

"Carl?" I call. No response. I furrow my brow in confusion. 

"Carl!" I try again. Okay, now I'm starting to panic. That's when I see it. 

Walker prints on the windows beside the door. I gasp and grab Seb's sling. I put him in it and run outside. 

Carl is cornered by three snarling walkers. I take out my hunting knife and stab all three of them. 

"What the hell were you doing?" I yell at Carl. 

"I could take care of it!" he snarls. 

"Obviously not!" I scoff. "You were seconds from death!" 

(A/N: Carl and Nico's upcoming argument is going to be similar to Beth and Daryl's)

"Carl, you can't take on three walkers on your own with just a knife!" I sigh. 

Carl's face contorts in anger, "You don't think I can do it? You sure as hell can't!" 

"Uhh, I just did," I say cockily. 

"Okay, listen! I get that I'm not as strong as the others! I'm not my dad, I'm not Glenn, I'm not Merle, and I sure as hell ain't Daryl!" he spits. "But Daryl's not here! Odds are he's dead!

"What makes you think that?" I yell. 

"Because he would use his last breath to protect you!" Carl snaps. "If he is alive, it means he doesn't love you as much as he claims to!" 

My fists clench at my side. How dare he! 

"And you know what else!" Carl continues. "You only care about him! When we were running, I passed Judith's seat. She wasn't there and the seat was covered in blood! Meanwhile, you hadn't even noticed because you were screaming about Daryl." 

"Carl, I didn't see-" I start. 

"No! Don't you even try to comfort me! You have no idea the pain I felt! I lost my sister, you can't possibly know what that feels like!" 

Okay, now I'm pissed. 

"How can you say that? My second night with this group, I lost my brother. I had to put a machete through his head!" I yell. Carl looks taken aback. I turn my back on him. 

"Judith might be alive. I know Collin is dead!" I yell. 

"Wait, Nico, I didn't mean-" Carl tries. 

"No! You're probably right... Daryl is probably dead..." I cry. Carl hugs me from behind and I don't push away. 


Night has fallen once again. Sebastian's sleeping, so Carl and I had some time to ourselves. I managed to find a can of Corona beer in the basement. Carl and I are sitting on the porch, the wind blowing through our hair. 

"Nico, I am really sorry about what I said," Carl finally speaks up. I give him a smile and a nod. 

"Don't worry about it, kid. I overreacted, too. You've proven time after time that you can take care of yourself," I say. "It's just... without Rick or Michonne here, I feel responsible, like an older sister." 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now